  • 21 March. International Day of Forests and Poetry.

        Tribute to Pablo Neruda poem entitled Naciendo on Forests: Cuando el arroz retira de la tierra los granos de su harina, cuando el trigo endurece sus pequeñas caderas y levanta su rostro de mil manos,...

    • Posted March 20, 2018
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  • dia-against-racism
    Talk to mark the International Day against Racism

    Talk by the International Day Against Racism and Xenophobia 21 March at 17.30 hours. Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions, Sevilla. free assistance. Confirmation on the phone 954 54 30 63. Organized by the ...

    • Posted March 20, 2018
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  • Triana views from the riverside promenade in Sevilla
    Free five corners full of charm in Sevilla

    In AndaluNet we have compiled five corners full of charm in Seville in which to enjoy the Sevillian culture and contact with nature. If you like the sun, nature and take pictures outdoors ...

    • Posted March 16, 2018
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  • Los Morancos song dedicated to the Holy Week in Seville.
    New hit Los Morancos dedicated to the Holy Week in Seville

    Los Morancos have again surprised. Far from his comic tone, nos han regalado esta emotiva canción cargada de sentimiento dedicada a la Semana Santa de Sevilla. They have done it again! No es la primera vez...

    • Posted March 15, 2018
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  • VI edition of the festival Sevilla Swing

    From 5 to the 8 April at the Teatro Alameda. Tickets available from the 6 de marzo en el Teatro Lope de Vega y a través de la web www.teatroalamedasevilla.org. Advance Ticket Price 18 euros. Precio en taquilla...

    • Posted March 15, 2018
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  • Antigua Puerta de la Carne Sevilla
    Why Puerta de la Carne de Sevilla receives that name?

    Currently in Sevilla, no hay ninguna puerta presente físicamente en la zona que se conoce como la Puerta de la Carne. However despite its absence, It is one of “the doors” más conocidas que tenemos en la...

    • Posted March 15, 2018
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  • Door of Forgiveness. Seville Cathedral.
    The Santo with three coats of Sevilla

    Paul and his three hands in the Door of Forgiveness in the Cathedral of Seville, It is the curious case of the saint with three hands. Work of the sculptor Miguel Florentín, Renaissance, with manufacturing date..

    • Posted March 14, 2018
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  • Map Mundi
    Origin of name Sevilla

    Spal to Ishbiliya got to Sevilla Sevilla origin of the name is not a simple naming dates. Because throughout history, Sevilla's name was the result of changes. Teniendo...

    • Posted March 14, 2018
    • 3
  • Bird San Pedro
    Goodbye bachelorhood with bird St Peter

    The little bird San Pedro on the facade of Church of San Pedro de Sevilla, we can see a tile with religious paintings something unusual. In the work of artist John Oliver, between images supplicants ...

    • Posted March 13, 2018
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  • Statue King Don Pedro.
    The head of King Don Pedro

    King Don Pedro, I of Castile, It is a curious and ambiguous example of justice. He was known as Peter the Justiciero, although other was known as Pedro the Cruel. After reading this text you can ...

    • Posted March 13, 2018
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