  • Mama Crab – Seville

    Place: Even Date Room: Friday 21 May 2021 Time: 17:00 and 20:00 Entrance: 15,18€ entradium.com Las actuaciones pertenecen a la giraReanimatour 2021donde presentan su nuevo trabajo discográfico llamadoExhuma y sigueque salió...

    • Posted April 21, 2021
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  • NewCanteOld – Seville

    Place: Turina Space Date: Friday 21 May 2021 Time: 20:00 Entrance: Between 8 and 15 eurosacatuentrada.es Espacio Turina will feature performances by singers Tremendo Hijo and Ezequiel Montoya, accompanied by the guitarist...

    • Posted April 21, 2021
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    Place: CIVIC CENTER OF LA BUHAIRA Date: 21 MAY 2021 Time: 19:30 Entrance: Free upon reservation centrocivicolabuhaira@sevilla.org and telephone 955 47 27 97 The singer from Sanluque, Laura Vital, will act 21 May ...

    • Posted April 21, 2021
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  • Persuasive Painting Sevilla 2021

    Place: Turina Space Date: From Thursday 8 from April to Sunday 13 June 2021. Time: Tuesday to Saturday 11 a 14 and 17 and 20 hours, Sundays and holidays 11 a...

    • Posted April 20, 2021
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  • Antonio Orozco – Seville

    Place: Cartuja Center Date: Thursday 20 May 2021 Time: At 18:00 and 22:00 Entrance: Between 40 and €55 The concerts are part of the tour to present his new album called “Avionics”....

    • Posted April 20, 2021
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  • Exposure: White and ash Seville

    Date: Of Saturday 10 from April to Saturday 19 June 2021. Opening on Saturday 10 April 11 a 14 hours. Place: 13 EspacioArte, Lino street, 12. Time: From Wednesday to Friday 10...

    • Posted April 19, 2021
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  • Sound Encounters – Seville

    Place: Turina Space Date: Monday 2 November 2020 to Sunday 16 May 2021 Time: In 12:00 a 19:00 Entrance: 10 euros, reduced 5 euros (students, over 65 years and unemployed) https://espacioturina.sacatuentrada.es/...

    • Posted April 16, 2021
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  • Jordi Savall – Seville

    Place: Teatro de la Maestranza Date: Sunday 16 May 2021. Time: 19:00 Entrance: Between 32 and 50 euros. https://teatrodelamaestranza.koobin.es/index.php?action=PU_evento&Ev_id=627 It will have violinist Manfredo Kraemer as concertmaster. They will perform the program titled “Tribute to the Earth....

    • Posted April 16, 2021
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  • Plaza de Toros de Sevilla: Release

    Given the health measures required by the Government of the Nation (Ley 2/2021) and its application by the Junta de Andalucía, The celebrations planned in Seville are suspended. The Pagés Company appreciates the support of....

    • Posted April 16, 2021
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  • Exposure: Mushrooms. In the House of science. Seville

    Place: House of Science Date: Until 15 June 2021 Time: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a 21:00h. Entrance: 3€ The exhibition is made up of a selection made from the collection of mushrooms..

    • Posted April 15, 2021
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