  • The Eagle Patrol will cross the sky of Seville

    Seville hosts different events and alternatives to provide the city with joy and a fair atmosphere.. The director of teaching of the Air Force, announced that from the quartering a series of proposals had been launched to liven up the days without....

    • Posted April 15, 2021
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  • SEVILLA TOWER commemorates the 100 years of the first cover with an exhibition of the April Fair

    The TORRE SEVILLA Shopping Center, will expose the 18 to the 24 de abril una muestra de fotos históricas sobre la Feria de Abril procedentes del patrimonio documental del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla que alberga el Servicio de Archivo, Hemeroteca...

    • Posted April 15, 2021
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  • The tailor – Seville

    Place: Room Zero Date: 11,12,13 June 2021 Time: 20:30 Entrance: In 11 a 14€ https://es.patronbase.com/_SalaCero/Productions/457/Performances Un Sastre es un Señor que confecciona trajes. Trajes a medida. Crea trajes de la nada. Mide, imagina y propone.Le...

    • Posted April 13, 2021
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  • PACO CANDELA – Seville

    Place: Los Remedios Theater Date: Sunday 18 April 2021 Time: 18:00 Entrance: Desde 25€ https://www.giglon.com/todos?idEvent=paco-candela-alma-pura-razasevilla Tras pasar unos años como solista en Grupo de Danza de San Ildefonso de su ciudad natal, se introdujo en...

    • Posted April 12, 2021
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    Place: THEATRE MAESTRANZA. Date: From 15 to the 16 April 2021 Time: 19:00 Entrance: Desde 32€ https://teatrodelamaestranza.koobin.es/index.php?action=PU_evento&Ev_id=473&idioma=ES&embed=1 El Teatro de la Maestranza acoge al Ballet Nacional de España que interpreta sus coreografías junto a...

    • Posted April 12, 2021
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  • ANTONIO NODAL, FROM INSIDE: OBRA 1971-2018 – Seville

    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: From 9 to the 29 April 2021 Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a 14 hours. Closed Monday....

    • Posted April 11, 2021
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  • “The mantilla. Seville, from pain to joy”

    Date: 26 March and 8 April 2021 The initiative launched by the City Council and Doble Erre, includes parades, round table, photographic exhibition and masterclass, to be held on 26 of March...

    • Posted April 7, 2021
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  • Exposure “The heroes of the pandemic” Seville

    Place: Constitution Avenue. Date: 16 April and 2 May 2021 Organized by Lunar Off, with the professionals who have stood out during the pandemic as protagonists, also wearing Sevillian designs. Story...

    • Posted April 7, 2021
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  • Exposure: “Through the corners of the Alcázar” Seville

    Place: The Avenida de la Constitución, the Plaza del Salvador, the Plaza del Altozano and the Plaza de la Encarnación Date: 7 and 25 April 2021 Several avenues of Seville will host exhibitions that will vindicate the ...

    • Posted April 6, 2021
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  • Flamenco fashion and accessories market – Seville

    Place: Plaza Nueva in Seville Date: From 12 to the 25 April 2021 In Seville, the first specific market for flamenco fashion and its accessories will be held in Plaza Nueva. Una treintena de puestos al...

    • Posted April 6, 2021
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