"The king and Perico eyed Lady" directed by Juan Dolores Caballero, author of the adaptation of the seventeenth century work of Diego Velázquez de Puerco, proposes a grotesque world where strange characters together under the baton of ugliness and visual lyricism, tenderness in all its crazy: A Princess and fickle marriageable, a king with no successor and whimsical, The honorable one Galan Gallardo, a faithful and shrewd squire. Characters that make a mockery of the established order and lead us, laughing, to question the meaning of our convictions.
Watchman Theatre is a company that forms Seville in 1990. Since its inception it has been suggested in the contemporary field research as a form of work to define his own language. Define your theater and dance as "raw", drinking and based on the "art brut", where techniques and representation systems come from a personal invention.