XXXII edition of Early Music Festival Sevilla FEMAS 2015

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By on 02/03/2015

From 6 to the 28 March 2015
In different areas of Seville

The XXXII Early Music Festival Sevilla, FeMÀS 2015, to be held 6 to the 28 March, will flood the city of harps notes, violas, violins and a host of excellent voices, both domestic and foreign. And this time, also contemporary dance hand of the Society of Antonio Ruz, flamenco tap the voice of Rocío Márquez, jazz with Enrico Pieranunzi and Wild Chain stone are in a program that will 22 concerts and numerous parallel activities.

The golden age will be the focus, the common thread in the words of its director, Fahmi Alqhai "in addition to referring to the week dedicated to Seville polyphonic music of our century gold, also refers to an edition that promises to be among the most complete and interesting in the entire history of the Festival ". For this reason, This year the festival entitled 'The Golden Age', will be, Sanchez said Estrella, "The motto scroll the aesthetic discourse around the festival, that welcomes spring Seville and establishing Sevilla becomes the center of historicist music ", because it is the sign 'reference worldwide ».

The festival is organized in four weeks promoting the weekends with morning and afternoon concerts and parallel activities. Seven spaces will host a different edition 2015. At the Sala Joaquín Turina, Space Santa Clara, Alameda Theater, Teatro de la Maestranza, the Cathedral and the church of San Alberto, is added this year the Hall of Tapestries of the Alcázar of Seville.

Also, as parallel activities, will start the 26 to the 28 March the fifth edition of ExpoFeMÀS. In collaboration with Luthieres and Archers Guild of Spain, GLAE, and participation Society Vihuela, Sala Joaquín Turina host the older instruments that are exposed again for contemplation and delight of lovers of this type of instrument. Visiting hours will be as follows: of 17 a 20 hours on opening day and Friday and Saturday, of 10 a 20 hours. Admission is free. A musical programming XXXII Early Music Festival Sevilla he also adds this year lecture whose entrance is free until all places.



Tickets for concerts XXXII Early Music Festival Sevilla, ranging from 40 euros for decommissioning at the Teatro de la Maestranza and 10 euros for the Alameda Theatre, may be acquired from the 10 February at the Teatro Lope de Vega in hours 11 a 14 hours and 17.30 a 20.30 hours.

In the Teatro de la Maestranza, solo concert Collegium Vocale Gent, in hours 10 a 14 hours and 17.30 a 20.30 hours (Monday through Saturday and Sunday with function).

In Internet through portals: and

Also, the day of the concert tickets will be available in each of the areas scheduled one hour before the start of the show.

There discounts in ticket. For mixed fertilizer, ticket for a minimum of 5 Entertainment, discount 15 % in the ticket price. As a general fertilizer and for all shows, discount 30% in the ticket price. For groups, for the purchase of a minimum of 20 tickets for the same show, will apply a discount of 20% in the ticket price. The discounts are not cumulative and shall be provided only at the box office Teatro Lope de Vega. The telephone number for further information is the 955 472 822.


– Santa Clara Area
Scholarships Street s / n

– Church of St. Albert
Rojas Marcos Square s / n

– Real Alcázar
Patio de Banderas, s/n. 41004

– Sala Joaquín Turina
C/Laraña, 4

– Holy Cathedral
Constitution Avenue, s/n. Coming in Puerta de Palos and Puerta de San Miguel

– Teatro Alameda
C / Credit, 13

– Teatro de la Maestranza
Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, 22


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The XXXII Early Music Festival Sevilla,FeMÀS 2015, It is organized by the ICAS, Institute of Culture and Arts of the City of Sevilla. With the collaboration of the INAEM and Cajasol Foundation.

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