
All posts tagged "Coronavirus"

  • Seville with 105 new positives

    Contagions soar in Seville and exceed the 100 positives in solo 24 hours. Se ha comunicado que la provincia ha sumado en las últimas horas 105 positive in a day without deaths. Esto supone un...

    • Posted August 21, 2020
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  • Isolate 30 young people for attending a disco with positive

    The deputy mayor of the Sevillian municipality of Pruna, ha confirmado que hay unos 30 jóvenes aislados por asistir a una discoteca en la que uno de sus clientes ha dado positivo. Los jóvenes asistieron en la noche del sábado...

    • Posted August 20, 2020
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  • Seville: 34 infections and three new admissions to ICU

    In Seville they have been infected 3375 people. Today's data, represent a slight decrease in the figures of daily infections, taking into account that yesterday, in the province they were counted 41 nuevos positivos....

    • Posted August 19, 2020
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  • Can you smoke on the beach?

    The increase in outbreaks and infections by coronavirus in Andalusia has motivated the increase of restrictions by the autonomous government to stop the advance of the pandemic in the territory. Se ha prohibido fumar en la vía pública...

    • Posted August 19, 2020
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  • Seville: A new deceased and 41 infections

    From the past 7 July, no new deaths had been recorded in the province. The number of infected since the pandemic began is 3.341 after the 41 positivos detectados en las últimas horas....

    • Posted August 18, 2020
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  • Seville: 100 cases in one day and three new hospitalizations

    Seville adds today 99 new cases of coronavirus registered, con los que hace un total de 3.300 afectados desde el inicio de la pandemia. Por el momento la provincia registra 14 hospitalizations and 3 and UCI, 3 de esas 14...

    • Posted August 16, 2020
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  • This is the Board's measures to stop contagion

    La Junta ha ofrecido una serie de medidas recomendadas con las que pretende disminuir los contagios entre familiares. The 56% de los contagios de coronavirus en Andalucía se producen en el núcleo familiar, en pequeños brotes de generalmente menos...

    • Posted August 15, 2020
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  • Smoking is prohibited in the street and nightclubs are closed throughout Spain

    The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has announced the closure of nightclubs throughout the Spanish territory. After the extraordinary meeting, a series of measures have been agreed to stop the coronavirus outbreaks in the country. HE...

    • Posted August 15, 2020
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  • Seville with 37 positives and two new shoots

    The outbreak located in the capital, account 10 Confirmed cases, while that of Aljarafe, currently affects four people. Both are in the investigation phase. With these two buds, they are already 28 los...

    • Posted August 13, 2020
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  • Seville: Hytasa closes the pool for positive Covid-19

    Seville City Council, has decided to preventively close the swimming pool at the Hytasa sports center to proceed with a comprehensive disinfection after a monitor has tested positive for COVID-19. Cuyo positivo ha sido confirmado mediante prueba...

    • Posted August 13, 2020
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