
All posts tagged "Culture"

  • La influencer sevillana Anabel Domínguez presenta 'No soy lo que ves' in SEVILLE TOWER
    The Sevillian influencer Anabel Domínguez presents 'I am not what you see’ in SEVILLE TOWER

    Wednesday 5 June At 19.00 horas En La Plazoleta (Planta 0) C.C. Torre Sevilla Apasionada de la comunicación y la escritura, Anabel Domínguez, ha creado el movimiento “Nosoyloqueves”, que trabaja por desmontar los prejuicios que...

    • Posted April 5, 2024
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  • CRYSTAL - Cirque du Soleil - Seville
    CRYSTAL – Cirque du Soleil – Seville

    CANCELADODía: From 25 December 2020 a 3 January 2021 Time: 19:30 Place: Municipal Palace of Sports San Pablo Price: Between 33,50-102,00 EUR Crystal, our eccentric heroine, te lleva a una emocionante historia de...

    • Posted March 10, 2020
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  • Triana district overlooking the river Guadalquivir
    Origin of name Triana district

    You had wondered how I, What is the origin of the name of the district of Triana? There are many stories and legends about the origin of Triana. Pero las que han pasado de generación en generación en...

    • Posted March 6, 2018
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  • 10 unmissable places if you visit Sevilla

    Sevilla is characterized by a trace on tourists who visit. Leave good experiences. Leave memory of their seats, Their monuments, its historic buildings, parks, their neighborhoods, and its people. in AndaluNet, we have made a concise ...

    • Posted February 27, 2018
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  • 'View from the Bridge "by Arthur Miller. Lope de Vega Theatre. Seville
    'View from the Bridge "by Arthur Miller. Lope de Vega Theatre. Seville

    From 24 to the 26 January 2017 Time: 20:30h Teatro Lope de Vega Entradas: De 4€ a 21€ *Abono 2º y 3º trim ‘Panorama desde el puente’ de Arthur Miller en el teatro Lope de Vega...

    • Posted December 26, 2016
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