
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Andalusia: 955 positives in one day

    Andalusia has once again broken the record of daily infections after adding 955 positive in 24 hours. The community has accounted 7 new deceased, the highest figure since 16 May. By provinces: Málaga y Almería...

    • Posted September 2, 2020
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  • Seville: 2000 unemployed more in August

    Unemployment has risen in Seville in 2.018 personas más en agosto, elevando a 226.253 el número total de desempleados en la provincia. Respecto al mismo mes en 2019, there are 40.340 parados más en Sevilla, cifra similar a...

    • Posted September 2, 2020
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  • Seville: Contagions rise to 149

    In the last hours they have registered 149 new positives, lo que eleva la cifra total de contagiados desde que comenzó la crisis sanitaria a 4.687. Se trata de un fuerte repunte en la cifra de contagios...

    • Posted September 1, 2020
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  • The girl sparrows – Seville

    Day: 30, 31 October and 1 November Time: 30 October (19.00 h), 31 October (18.00 h) and 1 November (12.30 h) Place: Teatro Alameda, Calle Crédito, 13, Sevilla Price: In 4 a 7€ La niña de...

    • Posted September 1, 2020
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  • Seville: August says goodbye with 84 new positives

    Seville registered 84 new positives in the last hours, when they were accounted for 82 cases. These 84 nuevos positivos elevan la cifra de afectados desde que comenzó la pandemia a 4.538 infections. El número de fallecidos en...

    • Posted September 1, 2020
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  • Andalusia slows down the rate of infections

    At present, 413 confirmed patients with COVID-19 remain admitted to Andalusian hospitals, of which 61 are in ICU. Tres personas han fallecido en la última jornada en la comunidad, while 50 han sido dadas...

    • Posted August 31, 2020
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    Place: Salvador Távora Theater Schedule: 12:30 h Date: 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 And 13 December 2020 Tickets: From € 12 The Patrons of Seville, Santa Justa and Santa Rufina, they were martyred in the year ...

    • Posted August 31, 2020
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  • How to recognize Nile virus contagion and symptoms

    Los casos probables de virus del Nilo se elevan ya a 49, while 14 personas se encuentran hospitalizadas. 5 and UCI, and 3 han perdido la vida. But, ¿cómo reconocer el virus? Esto es todo lo...

    • Posted August 31, 2020
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  • Forest fire in Guillena

    The fires continue in a weekend in which Estepona and Almonaster monopolize most of the attention in Andalusia. Alarms have also been activated in the province of Seville, Guillena sufre un...

    • Posted August 30, 2020
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  • The Almonaster fire leaves 2000 evicted

    Among the evicted are 49 people from a nursing home, many of them with reduced mobility. 1300 personas han sido desalojadas de forma preventiva del municipio de La Zarza-Perrunal debido al avance y la intensidad...

    • Posted August 30, 2020
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