
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Third deceased from the Nile virus

    The Nile Fever virus, caused by a mosquito bite, mainly in the area of ​​Coria del Río and La Puebla del Río, se ha cobrado la vida de una tercera persona. HE...

    • Posted August 29, 2020
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  • Seville: Nile virus confirmed cases rise to ten

    This Thursday the confirmed cases of the Nile virus in Seville have risen to ten. The number of positive samples is 37. There are 17 admitted patients, one more than Wednesday, of which, seis permanecen...

    • Posted August 28, 2020
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  • A fire in Benacazón leaves a black cloud in Aljarafe

    A fire declared on the 16:00 hours of this Thursday 27 August has left a black cloud throughout the afternoon over the surrounding towns of Seville's Aljarafe. Desatado en la zona del Corredor Verde....

    • Posted August 28, 2020
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  • Spain buys its first vaccines

    The european commission (THIS) ha negociado durante las últimas semanas la compra centralizada de la vacuna de Astrazeneca, desarrollada por investigadores de la Universidad de Oxford. Esta vacuna es una de las alternativas más avanzadas y está...

    • Posted August 27, 2020
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  • Seville: A deceased and 92 infections

    Seville has suffered a rebound in the daily figures of infections after adding 92 new positives, more than double than yesterday, when they registered 41 new infections. En las últimas horas ha habido que lamentar un nuevo...

    • Posted August 26, 2020
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  • Seville East registers one of the 45 Nile virus cases

    Are already 45 people suspected of suffering from Nile virus, with one of those affected located in Seville East. Currently eight confirmed cases and 31 the probable ones, with five cases associated with the outbreak. The hospitalized,...

    • Posted August 26, 2020
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  • Snow White. Teatro Alameda, Seville. 30 Ciclo El Teatro y la escuela.

    Day: 23, 24 and 25 October Time: 23, (19 h), 24 (18 h) and 25 (12:30 h) October Place: Teatro Alameda Street Credit, 13, Sevilla Price: school functions 4 € (docentes gratis) Family Function: Children 4...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
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  • Seville: Amount to 42 those suspected of having Nile virus

    Suspected of having the Nile virus have risen this Monday to 42, two more than yesterday. The number of positive samples for Nile fever is 29, one more than Sunday, mientras...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
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  • Seville: Coronavirus infections fall by half

    Seville has posted this Monday 41 new positives. This represents a sharp decrease in the daily number of positives, since this Sunday, the province registered 82 positive, half. La cifra de fallecidos se mantiene al...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
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  • Seville: Two new hospitalized and 82 positive

    Seville registered 82 positive in the last hours, nine less than yesterday, when the province added 91. Since the health crisis began, in the province a total of 3819 people. Se mantiene...

    • Posted August 24, 2020
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