
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Seville: The City Council will resurface the accesses to the Cartuja through Barqueta

    City Hall, has tendered the street resurfacing works: Álvaro Alonso Barba Juan Bautista Muñoz José de Gálvez Matemáticos Rey Pastor y Castro Incluidos el Puente de la Barqueta y la Pasarela del Lago, with ...

    • Posted August 8, 2020
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  • Seville: New bike path from San Jerónimo to La Macarena

    Seville City Council, Work continues on the new bike lane and pedestrian itinerary. It includes: La reurbanización de acerados La mejora de la accesibilidad La construcción de alcorques para próximas plantaciones de nuevo arbolado Puesto...

    • Posted August 8, 2020
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  • Andalusia: 97 hospitalized for coronavirus, the worst figure since May

    Those hospitalized for coronavirus in Andalusia have risen this Thursday to 97, seven more in the last hours, as reported by the Junta de Andalucía. Of these 97 income, 16 are in the Intensive Care Unit (FIA), dos...

    • Posted August 7, 2020
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  • Andalucia: This will be the return to school

    The Ministry of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía has prepared a decalogue of 91 questions and answers in which he clarifies the more than 300 Doubts. Have already raised to date. "There is back to school in September", has affirmed the counselor, Javier Imbroda. Este documento...

    • Posted August 7, 2020
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  • Seville: Two outbreaks in Aljarafe and one in the capital in the last hours

    Three new outbreaks have been registered in the province, one in the capital, y dos en el Aljarafe sevillano. Con estos tres brotes, los focos en la provincia se elevan a 20. En concreto los brotes localizados en el...

    • Posted August 7, 2020
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  • Covid-19: Present in 26 towns of Seville

    The province of Seville adds two days without a new outbreak of Covid-19. It remains in 15 since the beginning of summer. 13 siguen en proceso de investigación tras ser controlados los registrados en un bloque de viviendas de Los...

    • Posted August 5, 2020
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  • Andalucia: Up 80 sprouts with almost 200 new infections

    Currently there 80 active outbreaks in Andalusia, after registering 6 new shoots and enter 1 in overcoming. In the Autonomous Community there are 34 outbreaks that are no longer active. 62 are under investigation and 18...

    • Posted August 5, 2020
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  • Seville: A case of coronavirus in the Primark of Lagoh

    An employee of the cleaning service of the Primark of the Lagoh shopping center would have tested positive for coronavirus. This is how Diario de Sevilla has advanced it, noting that from Primark it has been reported that the employee has not had ...

    • Posted August 5, 2020
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  • Andalusia: Nine more outbreaks of coronavirus and more than 70 assets

    This Sunday Andalusia adds another nine outbreaks of coronavirus, reaching a total of 71 assets. On the last 24 hours have been diagnosed 183 new PCR positives, after the 186 of this saturday. It is a...

    • Posted August 3, 2020
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  • Seville: The City Council renews its video surveillance system

    The Seville City Council has approved the hiring of a new anti-intrusion and video surveillance security system. The Governing Board of the Seville City Council, by means of a closed circuit of television cameras video recorders (CCTV) to which, due...

    • Posted August 3, 2020
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