
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Seville: the local police carry out 87 complaints during the weekend

    In a total of 46 establishments, ten have been reported. La Policía Local de Sevilla ha puesto de nuevo en marcha durante este fin de semana el dispositivo especial de control de las concentraciones de jóvenes y del uso...

    • Posted August 3, 2020
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  • Seville: The rehabilitation of monuments is paralyzed

    The crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, paraliza las obras en edificios tan emblemáticos para la ciudad como la Giralda, aunque no es este el único caso. Se ha invertido 9 millones de euros y sin haber acometido aún los trabajos de...

    • Posted August 2, 2020
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  • Seville: Mercasevilla obtains the Aenor certificate

    The Mercasevilla wholesale market has received the independent certificate of action protocols against COVID-19 by AENOR. This entity thus guarantees that Mercasevilla is applying the appropriate action protocols and measures..

    • Posted August 1, 2020
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  • Seville: A new outbreak in Dos Hermanas and 23 more infections

    Seville has registered a new coronavirus outbreak in Dos Hermanas, which belongs to the southern part of the province, with 4 Confirmed cases. This new focus is added to the one registered yesterday in Écija, both under investigation ....

    • Posted August 1, 2020
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  • Seville: An outbreak in the capital and another in Montequinto raise the focus to twelve

    Seville has registered two new outbreaks in the last hours, one in the capital and one in the Montequinto neighborhood. These new bulbs raise 12 outbreaks of coronavirus detected in the province. Both shoots have four..

    • Posted August 1, 2020
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  • Seville: 279 new jobs in the sanitation plan of schools

    The Governing Board of the Seville City Council, ha aprobado hoy una partida de 3,4 millones de euros para la puesta en marcha un programa de empleo del que el Ayuntamiento asumirá el 51% del coste. Se ha...

    • Posted July 31, 2020
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  • Seville: The electric bike rental service has been approved

    Seville City Council, has approved the technical bases for the selection of two collaborating companies which will run a pilot test for the electric bicycle exploitation service. The determined time will be 18...

    • Posted July 31, 2020
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  • Seville: Focus on Écija Nine outbreaks in the province

    The Ministry of Health and Families has reported a new focus that is located in Écija, with 4 confirmed and investigational cases. The municipality belongs to the eastern district, where another focus is still active ...

    • Posted July 30, 2020
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  • Seville: New measures for Hospitality

    The Andalusian Government has updated the regulations for the hospitality industry in the face of Covid19 outbreaks in Andalusia, Today it comes into force and the following has been published in the BOJA: Bars and restaurants: 75% internal capacity:...

    • Posted July 30, 2020
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  • Seville reinforces the summer device for homeless people

    Will be prioritized, the protection of this group against possible contagions and an adequate coexistence. This week the Local Police teams have met, Social Welfare and Lipasam in order to strengthen coordination and ...

    • Posted July 29, 2020
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