
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Seville airport: first tourists to Amsterdam and London

    The first to arrive was, from the Dutch company Transavia, took off from Schiphol airfield, in Amsterdam and arrived in São Paulo at 15:45 hours, The second flight, coming from london, It is operated by Ryanair and ...

    • Posted June 22, 2020
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  • Departure from La Candelaria in extraordinary procession on 5 June 2021

    The Virgen de la Candelaria will go out in an extraordinary procession on Saturday 5 June 2021. Se trata del culto que celebrará la hermandad del Martes Santo para conmemorar el centenario de la fundación y que ha sido aprobado...

    • Posted June 20, 2020
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  • Anne Carson's writings

    Anne Carson, ha sido galardonada este año el Premio Princesa de Asturias de las Letras. La poeta en lengua inglesa más importante de nuestro tiempo, va a misa todas las semanas. Dicen que sentada en su banco,...

    • Posted June 20, 2020
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  • The Statues of Seville

    Seville is a city that overflows art wherever you look at it. Few cities have this cultural heritage and it is that wherever you go you always discover something new. The statues in Seville, solo de imaginería...

    • Posted June 20, 2020
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  • Creating a security, for the fight against cybercrime

    The Joly Group held yesterday the third edition of its Joly Digital Meetings, an online format in which to address current issues in depth. with the title“The challenges of cybersecurity in this new era”, reunió a...

    • Posted June 20, 2020
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  • Seville launches a land sale plan to achieve investments

    Seville City Council, ha diseñado un plan extraordinario de inversión para los próximos cuatro años para su aprobación en el próximo Consejo de la Gerencia de Urbanismo y que supondrá un nuevo paso en la estrategia de...

    • Posted June 19, 2020
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  • Metro de Sevilla: Mask and hydrogel vending machines are installed

    El Metro de Sevilla está instalando máquinas de venta con mascarillas y gel hidroalcohólico en sus estaciones para facilitar su disponibilidad para los usuarios. Los usuarios del metro ya pueden adquirir dichos productos en 11 of the 21 estaciones....

    • Posted June 19, 2020
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  • Coronavirus: Only two patients remain in the Sevillian ICUs

    La provincia vuelve a sumar un día sin fallecidos por coronavirus. Ya son once los que acumula sin aumentar la cifra negra de la pandemia, mientras que los curados siguen aumentando. Hoy son nueve los que se...

    • Posted June 19, 2020
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  • Opposition to the Local Police resumes in Seville

    The City Council resumes after the suspension due to the declaration of the state of alarm the oppositions of the Local Police and sets for the 29 June the third exam of the call for 50 places corresponding to 2017....

    • Posted June 18, 2020
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  • Coronavirus: Ten days without deaths in Seville

    After successive days with the coronavirus at zero: no hospitalizations, ingresos en UCI, fallecidos o contagios, hoy cumple diez días sin víctimas mortales por la pandemia. La provincia acumula 8 hospitalizations, of which 2 se encuentra...

    • Posted June 18, 2020
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