
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Seville: Very high temperatures

    The City of Seville returns to high temperatures. This weekend we will be practically in summer, we will reach 38 maximum degrees for Saturday and Sunday, This Thursday the maximum will reach 35 but the temperatures....

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • The community pools of Seville in difficult situation

    From the College of Property Administrators of Seville they show their concern: "Many communities of owners will not be able to meet the demands of the order of the Ministry of Health due to lack of means to comply with it.,...

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • Is everything controlled?

    By order of the Ministry of Health: Desde este jueves el uso de mascarillas pasa a ser obligatorio en los espacios cerrados y en la calle cuando no se pueda garantizar una distancia mínima de dos metros. Serán obligatorias menos a...

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • Seville: Shopping centers open the 25 May

    They will be able to open in the phase 2 of the de-escalation that will begin next Monday 25 May. In Seville they are already preparing for the reopening, which will be carried out with a limitation of the 30% del aforo...

    • Posted May 20, 2020
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  • No monument in Seville will open in May

    The monuments may open from the phase 2. Next Monday 25, Sevilla entrará en ese nuevo estado en el que se reducirán las restricciones y se flexibilizará el turismo. In the Seville capital, no se podrá visitar ningún bien patrimonial. The ...

    • Posted May 20, 2020
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  • Are we going to the beaches of Cádiz, Huelva and Malaga?

    Shortly after entering the phase 2 of coronavirus de-escalation, Andalusia is already preparing to return to the beaches. La Junta ha elaborado un decálogo de recomendaciones para el uso de la playa este verano por...

    • Posted May 20, 2020
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  • 68 municipalities of sevilla, no time limits to go outside

    The time slots for physical activity will be eliminated for municipalities with less than 10.000 population. In these less populated municipalities, the practice of the permitted activities may be carried out between 6:00 hours ...

    • Posted May 19, 2020
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  • What would you change in Seville when you enter the phase 2?

    Seville will enter the phase 2 of the lack of confidence (If everything goes fine) next 25 May. The phase 2 involves the opening of premises with limited capacity, la apertura de centros comerciales o la vuelta del cine...

    • Posted May 19, 2020
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  • San Fernando will not open its ballot box until 30 May

    It will open on 30 May on the occasion of his holiday and the anniversary of his death. La crisis sanitaria por la pandemia ha impedido que se pueda ver a la persona que reconquistó la ciudad en...

    • Posted May 19, 2020
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  • Covid-19: Trace left in 20 Sevillian towns

    After knowing the municipalities and “clean” of coronavirus, indicates that currently only a trace of Covid-19 remains in a score of locations. The updated data leaves the following twenty municipalities: Seville capital (with 52 cases ...

    • Posted May 18, 2020
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