
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Andalusia: Complete the stage 1 after passing Granada and Malaga

    Granada and Malaga were the only provinces that remained in phase 0 In Andalucia, something that has changed today. Both finally enter phase 1 after its passage without restrictions has been approved. Andalucía ahora ya...

    • Posted May 18, 2020
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  • Andalusia: Things have changed from the phase 1

    The Government introduces a series of changes in Phase 1 that have just been approved. The phase 1 is changing as the rules become more flexible. Establishments can open, with out PRIVIOUSE appointment, y dentro...

    • Posted May 18, 2020
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  • Germany: VAT reduction in bars and restaurants to prop up its reopening

    VAT on meals from 19% to the 7% El Gobierno alemán de Angela Merkel aliviará la presión fiscal para que el sector, pueda afrontar con rebajas impositivas la vuelta a la normalidad con perspectivas de crecimiento y mantenimiento...

    • Posted May 18, 2020
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  • Disinfection of Sevillian schools that open on Monday

    Test de Covid-19 a los porteros y limpiadoras de los centros escolares Los colegios sevillanos abren sus puertas el próximo lunes 18 May. Although the classes will not reopen until at least the next course, los...

    • Posted May 16, 2020
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  • Seville will receive international flights

    Seville Airport will receive international traffic. The Seville City Council and the Junta de Andalucía claimed to the central government that San Pablo be included in the list of aerodromes authorized to receive flights from abroad.,...

    • Posted May 16, 2020
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  • Seville: 45 patients cured in 24 hours

    45 patients have been cured in the province of Seville in recent 24 hours, dejando la cifra total de curados en 1.787 people. Con esta cifra de 45 nuevos curados en Sevilla supone el segundo mejor del...

    • Posted May 16, 2020
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  • Seville candidate to host the World Cup 2030

    The Minister of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía, announces that the Seville Cartuja Stadium will compete with Portugal to host the World Cup 2030. “En esa candidatura ibérica entre España...

    • Posted May 15, 2020
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  • Suspension of the canopy of Santiago and Santa Ana

    This year there will be no Velá de Santiago and Santa Ana 2020. El Ayuntamiento de Sevilla suspende esta fiesta de mayor prestigio de la ciudad definido por la pandemia del Covid-19 y las medidas de las autoridades sanitarias que...

    • Posted May 15, 2020
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  • Seville: The beer-throwing robot

    The coronavirus pandemic is allowing some countries to introduce robots into the normal functioning of society AND which now reaches Seville in this phase 1 of the de-escalation. It can be seen in a bar in the ...

    • Posted May 15, 2020
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  • When can I go to another province?

    With almost everyone already in phase 1, there are many doubts that arise about displacement. Until the start of the de-escalation, private vehicles, like cars or motorcycles, solo se podían utilizar en...

    • Posted May 15, 2020
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