
All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Autodafé in Seville. SXVII
    The dark and terrible past of the Seville Fair

    Ancient Fair of Seville was in the famous Prado de San Sebastián, near a setting called the Prado and Espantaperros, today, It is occupied by the Provincial de Sevilla. Pero esta zona tiene...

    • Posted April 16, 2018
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  • Door of Forgiveness. Seville Cathedral.
    The Santo with three coats of Sevilla

    Paul and his three hands in the Door of Forgiveness in the Cathedral of Seville, It is the curious case of the saint with three hands. Work of the sculptor Miguel Florentín, Renaissance, with manufacturing date..

    • Posted March 14, 2018
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  • mushroom-sevilla-rain
    Sevilla three plans in these days of rain

    Sevilla has a great deal in tourism and leisure activities that can not only enjoy the sunny days but also rainy days. For though Seville is known for its good weather and ...

    • Posted March 1, 2018
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  • Logo-app-sevilla-young
    New Seville app, with infotainment and scholarships, for young

    Seville City Council launches a mobile application for young, with the aim of providing cultural information, Scholarships and grants. The mobile application aimed at young Sevillian, will inform about upcoming cultural events..

    • Posted March 1, 2018
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  • Seville, best city to travel 2018
    Seville, and special color, the best city to travel 2018.

    According to the publisher Lonely Planet, Sevilla leads the ranking Best in Travel (Best Travel). Seville, It is presented as the best city to travel 2018. And it is that Seville is a city full of history, of ...

    • Posted February 27, 2018
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  • 10 unmissable places if you visit Sevilla

    Sevilla is characterized by a trace on tourists who visit. Leave good experiences. Leave memory of their seats, Their monuments, its historic buildings, parks, their neighborhoods, and its people. in AndaluNet, we have made a concise ...

    • Posted February 27, 2018
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  • Totem: The best images of Cirque du Soleil in Seville
    Totem: The best images of Cirque du Soleil in Seville

    El Circo del Sol llega a Sevilla con su nuevo espectáculo TOTEM TOTEM se estrena hoy jueves 25 January and will be in Sevilla to 11 March 2018. Escrito y dirigido por el afamado...

    • Posted January 25, 2018
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  • Bohemia lights. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville
    Bohemia lights. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville

    Place: Lope de Vega Theater Date: From Tuesday 20 to Wednesday 21 October 2020 Time: 20:30 Entrance: Desde 21€ Alfonso Zurro pone en escena “Luces de Bohemia” de Ramón del Valle-Inclán por varias razones: Esta...

    • Posted October 22, 2017
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  • The Archbishop Palace in Seville will run from September
    The Archbishop Palace in Seville will run from September

    El Palacio Arzobispal de Sevilla podrá visitarse a partir de septiembre El Palacio Arzobispal de Sevilla abrirá sus puertas a los sevillanos y visitantes a partir del próximo mes de septiembre. Las visitas al Palacio Arzobispal serán...

    • Posted July 7, 2017
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  • Lola Caracola – Seville

    Place: CENTRO TNT. Date: 24 and 25 April 2021 Time: Saturday at 17:00h y domingo a las 12:30pm Admission: 10 € adultos y 5 € children (Early). https://www.atalaya-tnt.com/entradas/index.php?event_id=1056 La historia gira en torno a...

    • Posted March 5, 2017
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