
All posts tagged "Three Cultures Foundation"


    Place: Three Cultures FoundationHora: Monday at 17:00 hours and Tuesday at 11:00Es necesario reservar con antelación. La Fundación Tres Culturas prosigue con su programa de visitas guiadas a su sede, en el que el propio...

    • Posted March 30, 2024
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  • I AM FLAMENCO – Seville

    Place: Three Cultures Foundation Date: From 21 January to 14 February 2021 Time: From Monday to Thursday 09:00 a 20:00h. Friday 09 a 15:00 Entrance: Free I am flamenco wants to focus ...

    • Posted January 24, 2021
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    Place: Three cultures Foundation Date: Monday 14 December 2020 Time: 17:00 Entrance: Gratuita El espíritu de esta fiesta es pues ensalzar la libertad como un bien supremo, un derecho para todos los seres humanos, sea...

    • Posted December 13, 2020
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  • Exposure: FEEL THE EARTH – Seville

    Place: Foundation three cultures Date: From 16 October to 16 November 2020 Time: From Monday to Thursday 09:00 a 20:00h. Friday 09 a 14:00h. It is situated within the framework of conceptual art..

    • Posted October 19, 2020
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  • IRMA CONCERT – Seville

    Place: TRES CULTURAS FOUNDATION Date: Thursday 8 October 2020 Time: 20:30 Entrance: Gratuita Aunque nació en Lisboa, su identidad refleja una fuerte influencia de la cultura angoleña, fuera o no Angola el país de origen...

    • Posted October 7, 2020
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  • Exposure: parallel looks. Iran-Spain: Photographers in the mirror. Three Cultures Foundation, Seville
    Exposure: parallel looks. Iran-Spain: Photographers in the mirror. Three Cultures Foundation, Seville

    From 11/05 to the 30/07/2017 From Monday to Thursday 09:30 a 19:30 hours. Friday 09:30 a 15:30 hours. Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation Exhibition: parallel looks. Iran-Spain: Photographers in the mirror The Three Cultures Foundation ...

    • Posted March 29, 2017
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  • Exposure: The virtues of the solitary bird. Tribute to Juan Goytisolo. Three Cultures Foundation, Seville.
    Exposure: The virtues of the solitary bird. Tribute to Juan Goytisolo. Three Cultures Foundation, Seville.

    From 06/04 to the 02/05/2017 From Monday to Thursday 09:30 a 19:30 hours. Friday 09:30 a 15:30 hours. Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation Exhibition: The virtues of the solitary bird. Tribute to Juan Goytisolo The Three Foundation ...

    • Posted March 29, 2017
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