
All posts tagged "Did you know?"

  • Man's history Sevilla Stone
    Did you know the history of man Sevilla Stone?

    The recondite and legendary streets full of history and legends that can be found in the center of Sevilla, It highlights a figure that has run aground stone body of a man. Legend has it that...

    • Posted May 3, 2018
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  • Barrio Santa Cruz
    A secret city in Sevilla. judería.

    The Jewish quarter of Seville is a maze of hidden streets that penetrate the heart of Seville. The Jewish quarter of Seville, known as the Barrio de Santa Cruz, es uno de los barrios más conocidos y...

    • Posted April 27, 2018
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  • Crocodile stuffed in the Cathedral of Seville. Source: Bar Tapas Sevilla.
    Crocodile Seville Cathedral

    Seville Cathedral hides a dangerous animal jaw-dropping anyone who sees it. This reptile is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world. It is a large crocodile! Less bad...

    • Posted April 26, 2018
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  • La-Giralda-in-Kansas-City
    You know there's Giraldas in the world besides the one in Seville

    Giraldas by Spain In a village not far from the city of Seville, Carmona, the call is Giraldilla. Belfry of the Church of Carmona. But there are only replicas in Andalusia, en Badajoz y...

    • Posted April 24, 2018
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  • Chains Cathedral of Seville. source Galleon
    You know what they mean chains of the Cathedral of Seville

    The right of asylum in the Sevilla of the XVI century there were different organizations that dispensed justice (the cruel and violent justice those years) depending on the conflict happened. There was real justice, military justice, la justicia...

    • Posted April 24, 2018
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  • Did you know what the origin of the lanterns Seville Fair?

    Before the Feria de Sevilla was not decorated with lanterns. Was in the year 1877 when due to the visit of Queen Elizabeth II of Spain to the Seville Fair, los mandatarios de Sevilla se...

    • Posted April 17, 2018
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  • Ghosts in the Seville Fair.
    Haunted house of the Feria de Sevilla

    The streets of the Feria de Sevilla have lived all stories and events type. Almost always cheerful, related to the festival, but also strange and inexplicable events. As it happened in the early 90, a...

    • Posted April 17, 2018
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  • Autodafé in Seville. SXVII
    The dark and terrible past of the Seville Fair

    Ancient Fair of Seville was in the famous Prado de San Sebastián, near a setting called the Prado and Espantaperros, today, It is occupied by the Provincial de Sevilla. Pero esta zona tiene...

    • Posted April 16, 2018
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  • Triana views from the riverside promenade in Sevilla
    Free five corners full of charm in Sevilla

    In AndaluNet we have compiled five corners full of charm in Seville in which to enjoy the Sevillian culture and contact with nature. If you like the sun, nature and take pictures outdoors ...

    • Posted March 16, 2018
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  • Door of Forgiveness. Seville Cathedral.
    The Santo with three coats of Sevilla

    Paul and his three hands in the Door of Forgiveness in the Cathedral of Seville, It is the curious case of the saint with three hands. Work of the sculptor Miguel Florentín, Renaissance, with manufacturing date..

    • Posted March 14, 2018
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