
All posts tagged "The Casting Room"

  • Bratislavia. Casting theater, Seville
    Bratislavia. Casting theater, Seville

    From 6 to the 8 April 2017 At 20:30 horas Teatro Fundición de Sevilla Comedia Bratislavia. Casting theater, Sevilla Una comedia llevada al extremo de las emociones. A party, un banquete de bodas tremendamente escatológico...

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • Brenda's surrender. Casting theater, Seville
    Brenda's surrender. Casting theater, Seville

    From 16 to the 19 March 2017 At 20:30 horas Teatro Fundición de Sevilla Comedia La rendición de Brenda. Casting theater, Sevilla “La Rendición de Brenda” relata las peripecias de una pareja enamorada, Brenda y...

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • Momo and the magic room. children and family theater in Seville Cast Room
    Momo and the magic room. children and family theater in Seville Cast Room

    11 and 12 March 2017 At 12:00 Casting hours Theater, Sevilla Infantil/títeres A partir de 4 años Momó y la habitación mágica. A dream world, imagination and adventure. Momó es un niño de...

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • Women as battlefield. Casting theater, Seville
    Women as battlefield. Casting theater, Seville

    From 10 to the 12 March 2017 At 20:30 horas Teatro Fundición de Sevilla Teatro La mujer como campo de batallaHomenaje a las mujeres en el DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER ONÍRICA Prod....

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • Mindfulness Meditation Workshop. Casting theater, Seville
    Mindfulness Meditation Workshop. Casting theater, Seville

    8 March 2017 In 19:30 a 21:00 horas Teatro Fundición de Sevilla Mindfulness – Meditation workshop with Buddhist nun Guen Chokga, directora espiritual de la Nueva Tradición Kadampa en España Guen Chokga visita...

    • Posted March 8, 2017
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  • The other hand of Cervantes - the Foundry Theater Sevilla

    Thursday 2, Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March 2017 Time: 20:30 h. CAST OF SEVILLE. Mint, C / Havana -Seville http://www.fundiciondesevilla.es La otra mano de Cervantes – Comedia Almas en...

    • Posted February 5, 2017
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  • The ugly Duckling – Sevilla room Smelter

    Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February 2017 Time: 12:00 h. CAST OF SEVILLE. Mint, C / Havana -Seville http://www.fundiciondesevilla.es ('Raucous' version of the story of Andersen) An optimistic story, cheerful and full of rhythm ....

    • Posted January 26, 2017
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  • Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus – Foundry Sevilla room

    Thursday 23, Friday 24 and Saturday 25 February 2017 Time: 20:30 h. CAST OF SEVILLE. Mint, C / Havana -Seville http://www.fundiciondesevilla.es Las verdaderas raíces de la violencia humana, sus actos y consecuencias....

    • Posted January 25, 2017
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  • The first concert - Teatro La Fundición Seville

    Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 February 2017 – 12:00 h. Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 2017 – 12:00 h.   CAST OF SEVILLE. Mint, C / Havana -Seville http://www.fundiciondesevilla.es ...

    • Posted January 19, 2017
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  • is Carmela – The Sevilla Foundry

    Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 February 2017 Thursday 16, Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 2017   Time: 20:30 h. CAST OF SEVILLE. Mint, C / Havana -Seville http://www.fundiciondesevilla.es...

    • Posted January 19, 2017
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