
All posts tagged "Seville"


    DATE AND TIME: SATURDAY 7 MARCH 2020 – 21:00 DURATION: 02:00 h SPACE: CONCERT HALL AGE: ALL PUBLIC LOCATIONS: FROM 25 A 45€ Qué no daría yo… por ser Rocío Jurado, obra homenaje a “La...

    • Posted January 31, 2020
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  • DREAMING FROM SEVILLA 1980 - Virgen de los Reyes

    DATE AND TIME: SATURDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2020 – 20:00 DURATION: 01:30 h SPACE: CONCERT HALL AGE: ALL PUBLIC LOCATIONS: 12€ Sonando a Sevilla desde 1980 by Musical Association Virgen de los Reyes. A show...

    • Posted January 31, 2020
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  • un-American-in-Paris-with-orchestra-camera-musicae-sevilla-2020
    An American in Paris - With Camera Musicae Orchestra - Sevilla 2020

    Sunday 2 February 2020. 19:00 Localities hours 32,40 € to 59,40 € Place: Cartuja Center Revive el clásico y brillante musical Un americano en París con la banda sonora de George Gershwin interpretada en directo por la prestigiosa Orquesta Sinfónica Camera...

    • Posted January 30, 2020
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    DATE AND TIME: FRIDAY 6 MARCH 2020 – 22:00 DURATION: 02:00 PLACE: CARTUJA CENTER ESPACIO: CONCERT HALL AGE: ALL PUBLIC LOCATIONS: DESDE 35€ Paloma San Basilio y su nuevo trabajo Más Cerca. Nuevo álbum de...

    • Posted January 30, 2020
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  • Kooza: The best images of Cirque du Soleil in Seville
    Kooza: The best images of Cirque du Soleil in Seville

    El Circo del Sol vuelve a Sevilla con su nuevo espectáculo KOOZA KOOZA estará en Sevilla desde el jueves 16 January to 8 March 2020. Cirque du Soleil is already in SEVILLA, su...

    • Posted January 16, 2020
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  • Cirque du Soleil is now in Seville with KOOZA
    Cirque du Soleil is now in Seville with KOOZA

    Seville, 9 January - The blue and yellow tent Cirque du Soleil, señal de que la compañía ha llegado a la ciudad, ya luce en el Charco de la Pava. Este ya icónico momento ha...

    • Posted January 9, 2020
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  • Cirque du Soleil KOOZA, new show in Seville of Circo del Sol · Under its Big Top
    Cirque du Soleil KOOZA, new show in Seville of Circo del Sol · Under its Big Top

    From 15 January to 8 March 2020 Charco de la Pava, Sevilla Tickets from 38.95 € CIRQUE DU SOLEIL OPENS IN SEVILLE a new show: KOOZA After his international tour finally come to Sevilla ...

    • Posted January 8, 2020
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  • We exposure, again- CAAC Sevilla - 2019
    We exposure, again- CAAC Sevilla – 2019

    Date:  25 April 2019 – 26 April 2020 Place: Centro Andaluz de Arte ContemporáneoComisarios: Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes Fernández and Yolanda Torrubia Space: North Claustrón WORKS: Lara Almarcegui · María Cañas · Ruth Ewan...

    • Posted January 7, 2020
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  • Exposure: The longest journey - General Archive of the Indies
    Exposure: The longest journey – General Archive of the Indies

    of 12 September 2019 to the 23 February 2020 2019 Free entry. Tourist Visit tourist visit to the Archivo General de Indias is free, facilitating access to the monumental area ...

    • Posted December 23, 2019
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  • 'Trigo sucio', David Mamet, Lope de Vega Theater, Seville
    'Wheat dirty', David Mamet, Lope de Vega Theater, Seville

    From 13/02/2020 to the 16/02/2020 Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 20:30 h Domingo: 19:30 h Lugar: Teatro Lope de Vega Prices: In 21 € a 4 € sucio Dirty Wheat ’, David Mamet, Lope de Vega Theater, Seville In ...

    • Posted December 16, 2019
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