
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • The fluid force of love – Seville

    Place: Central Theater Date: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 May 2021 Time: 12:00 Entrance: 20€ https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/teatros/teatro-central/ Es una propuesta escrita, directed and choreographed by Jan Fabre for nine performers: Sylvia Camarda, Annabelle Chambon, Cedric Charron,...

    • Posted May 4, 2021
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  • Exposure: Javier Buzón. Beyond its shadow – Seville

    Date: Friday 16 April to Friday 2 July 2021. Place: Center for Cultural Initiatives, University of Sevilla (Kitty) Time: In 11 a 20 hours (Monday to Friday). Closed saturdays, domingos...

    • Posted May 2, 2021
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    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: From 02 to the 12 June 2021 Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a 14 hours. Closed Monday....

    • Posted April 30, 2021
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  • The road system in Spain is about to undergo one of the most significant changes in its history.

    The highways and highways of the country are currently free circulation for users, pero esto va a dejar de ser así. El Gobierno quiere promover que todas o la gran mayoría de estas vías rápidas sean de...

    • Posted April 30, 2021
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  • Makarines – Seville 2021

    Place: Cajasol Foundation Date: Thursday 27 May 2021. Time: 20:30 Entrance: Between 15 and 16 euros bacantix.com Se celebrará el conciertoA solasdel grupo Makarines en el teatro de la sede de la Fundación...

    • Posted April 27, 2021
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  • EVA VS. EVA – Seville

    Place: LOPE DE VEGA THEATER Date: Saturday, 01 May 2021 Time: 18:00 Entrance: In 4 a 21€ https://teatrolopedevega.sacatuentrada.es/es/entradas/eva-contra-eva/2021-05-01 Obra dirigida por Silvia Munt, que se inspira en el clásico Eva al desnudo, de Joseph L. Mankiewicz....

    • Posted April 26, 2021
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    Place: CARTUJA CENTER Date: Saturday, 01 May 2021 Time: 12:00 Entrance: 25€ https://cartujacenter.janto.es/espectaculo/seor-ruiseorramon-fontser/JOGLARS Una obra de actualidad que pone su gran dosis de humor, sátira, esperpento, ironía y guasa en el contexto del conflicto catalán,...

    • Posted April 26, 2021
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  • And you, What are you laughing at? – Seville

    Place: Room Zero Date: Tuesday 25 and Wednesdays 26 May 2021 . Time: 19:00 Entrance: 15 euros, reduced 12 euros y tarifa 50% (para escuelas de teatro y Junta 65 ORO) 7,50 euros. fundiciondesevilla.es. HE...

    • Posted April 25, 2021
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  • Stool – Seville

    Place: Fibes Date: Saturday 22 May 2021 Time: 19:00 Entrance: Between 27 and 64,80 euros https://www.fibestickets.es/janto/main.php?Nivel=Evento&idEvento=TABURETE21 Es una actuación perteneciente a la giraLa broma infinitaen la que están presentando su nuevo álbum del...

    • Posted April 22, 2021
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  • Mama Crab – Seville

    Place: Even Date Room: Friday 21 May 2021 Time: 17:00 and 20:00 Entrance: 15,18€ entradium.com Las actuaciones pertenecen a la giraReanimatour 2021donde presentan su nuevo trabajo discográfico llamadoExhuma y sigueque salió...

    • Posted April 21, 2021
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