
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • The tailor – Seville

    Place: Room Zero Date: 11,12,13 June 2021 Time: 20:30 Entrance: In 11 a 14€ https://es.patronbase.com/_SalaCero/Productions/457/Performances Un Sastre es un Señor que confecciona trajes. Trajes a medida. Crea trajes de la nada. Mide, imagina y propone.Le...

    • Posted April 13, 2021
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  • PACO CANDELA – Seville

    Place: Los Remedios Theater Date: Sunday 18 April 2021 Time: 18:00 Entrance: Desde 25€ https://www.giglon.com/todos?idEvent=paco-candela-alma-pura-razasevilla Tras pasar unos años como solista en Grupo de Danza de San Ildefonso de su ciudad natal, se introdujo en...

    • Posted April 12, 2021
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    Place: THEATRE MAESTRANZA. Date: From 15 to the 16 April 2021 Time: 19:00 Entrance: Desde 32€ https://teatrodelamaestranza.koobin.es/index.php?action=PU_evento&Ev_id=473&idioma=ES&embed=1 El Teatro de la Maestranza acoge al Ballet Nacional de España que interpreta sus coreografías junto a...

    • Posted April 12, 2021
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  • ANTONIO NODAL, FROM INSIDE: OBRA 1971-2018 – Seville

    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: From 9 to the 29 April 2021 Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a 14 hours. Closed Monday....

    • Posted April 11, 2021
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  • “The mantilla. Seville, from pain to joy”

    Date: 26 March and 8 April 2021 The initiative launched by the City Council and Doble Erre, includes parades, round table, photographic exhibition and masterclass, to be held on 26 of March...

    • Posted April 7, 2021
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  • Exposure “The heroes of the pandemic” Seville

    Place: Constitution Avenue. Date: 16 April and 2 May 2021 Organized by Lunar Off, with the professionals who have stood out during the pandemic as protagonists, also wearing Sevillian designs. Story...

    • Posted April 7, 2021
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  • Exposure: “Through the corners of the Alcázar” Seville

    Place: The Avenida de la Constitución, the Plaza del Salvador, the Plaza del Altozano and the Plaza de la Encarnación Date: 7 and 25 April 2021 Several avenues of Seville will host exhibitions that will vindicate the ...

    • Posted April 6, 2021
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  • Flamenco fashion and accessories market – Seville

    Place: Plaza Nueva in Seville Date: From 12 to the 25 April 2021 In Seville, the first specific market for flamenco fashion and its accessories will be held in Plaza Nueva. Una treintena de puestos al...

    • Posted April 6, 2021
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  • Sexta etapa del III Spain Classic Rall – Seville

    Place: Seville Tower Date: Thursday 27 May 2021 Time: 09:00 The third edition of the longest asphalt regularity test for classic cars in Europe will start from TORRE SEVILLA on Thursday 27 of ...

    • Posted March 26, 2021
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  • The TORRE SEVILLA Shopping Center expands its restaurant space and the picnic service for Easter

    Las terrazas en el espacio gastronómico de TORRE SEVILLA se incrementan un 25% con la nueva zona Food Court. El servicio de picnic para disfrutar del take away en el Parque Magallanes estará disponible de 13.00 a...

    • Posted March 25, 2021
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