
All posts tagged "Seville"


    Place: THEATER SALVADOR TÁVORA Close: From 19 to the 20 January 2021 Time: 12:30 Entrance: advance sale: 11€ Box office sales: 13€ https://entradium.com/es/events/enlorquecidas.widget Enlorquecidas hace un recorrido desde una energía sombría, full of dark colors, hasta la...

    • Posted January 17, 2021
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  • GUGURUMBÉ Concert – Seville

    Place: THEATRE MAESTRANZA. Date: Tuesday 19 January 2021 Time: 18:00 Entrance: 30€ https://teatrodelamaestranza.koobin.es/index.php?action=PU_evento&Ev_id=482&idioma=ES&embed=1 La Accademia del Piacere, Rocío Márquez, Nuria Rial, Antonio Ruz y Dani de Morón se alían en un espectáculo total...

    • Posted January 17, 2021
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    La hermandad de San Bernardo presenta el cartel y los actos conmemorativos del 75 aniversario de la concesión del título de mariana a la ciudad “Refugio Regina”, el gran legado social que dejará el aniversario a la...

    • Posted January 15, 2021
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  • Dreamland – Seville

    Place: Caixaforum Date: THE 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 AL 24 OF JANUARY OF 2021 Time: In 10 a 20 pm Admission: 6€ https://caixaforum.es/es/sevilla/p/tierra-de-suenos-cristina-garcia-rodero_a580357 The effort and initiative of women is one of the main ones ...

    • Posted January 12, 2021
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  • Blood Donations in Seville

    Week of 11 to the 15 January 2021 Equipo móviles de donación de Sangre Lunes 11 Carmona: house of culture 17:00 a 21:00 h. The Wheel: Brotherhood of Sorrows 17:30 a 21:00...

    • Posted January 12, 2021
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  • CRAZY ZOMBIE – Seville

    Place: FANATIC ROOM Date: Friday, 15 January 2021 Time: 19:30 Entrance: Desde 6€ https://entradas.salafanatic.com/index.php?event_id=316 Crazy Zombie nace a finales de 2016 con el claro propósito de ofrecer un espectáculo total en el que rock, performances,...

    • Posted January 10, 2021
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  • THE BABYLON – Seville

    Place: LA FUNDICIÓN THEATER Date: Wednesday 13 January 2021 Time: 20:00 Entrance: 15€ https://www.fundiciondesevilla.es/web/entradas/ Un mano a mano de Salud López con Juan Carlos Lérida, a la manera de la estructura de una conversación socrática...

    • Posted January 10, 2021
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  • GISELLE – Seville

    Place: TEATRO DE LA MAESTRANZA Date: From 13 to the 16 January 2021 Time: 20:00 Entrance: Desde 35€ https://teatrodelamaestranza.koobin.es/index.php?action=PU_evento&Ev_id=467&idioma=ES&embed=1 En 1841, la Ópera de París estrena el ballet Giselle, in which the poet Théophile Gautier, inspirándose...

    • Posted January 10, 2021
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    Place: Kitty. CENTER FOR CULTURAL INITIATIVES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLA Date: From 15 December 2020 to the 29 January 2021 Time: In 11 a 14 h. and 17:00 a 18 h. Entrance:...

    • Posted January 10, 2021
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  • Seville, New APP to report incidents to the City Council

    Discover the new app “Seville. Your city”. It is a comprehensive management and coordination platform for municipal services, que se pone a disposición de la ciudadanía para que se puedan registrar incidencias o avisos detectados en...

    • Posted January 10, 2021
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