
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • Exposure: A Little Roller Coaster at Di Gallery - Seville
    Exposure: A Little Roller Coaster at Di Gallery – Seville

    Place: By Gallery. Muro de los Navarros Street No. 66 (Seville) Date: From 17 December 2020 to the 17 January 2021 Schedules: Tuesday Friday: 11:00 – 14:00 / 18:00 – 20:30 Saturdays: 11:30h ....

    • Posted December 28, 2020
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    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: From 17 December 2020 to the 06 January 2021 Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a...

    • Posted December 27, 2020
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  • I, CARMEN – Seville

    Place: TEATRO DE LA MAESTRANZA Date: Tuesday 29 December 2020 Time: 20:00 Entrance: Desde 26€ La revolución del flamenco tiene, en gran parte, nombre de mujer. María Pagés es uno de esos nombres. En “Yo,...

    • Posted December 27, 2020
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  • YEAR ZERO – Seville

    Place: Central Theater Date: From 29 to the 30 December 2020 Time: 16:00 AÑO ZERO HABLA SOBRE LA AMISTAD A PARTIR DE HISTORIAS REALES; UN VIAJE A LA INFANCIA A RITMO DE ROCK’N’ROLL, UN AÑO “ZERO”...

    • Posted December 27, 2020
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  • CABARET TEMPLE – Seville

    Place: Room X Date: Sunday 27 December 2020 Time: 14:00 Entrance: 18€ Pangea Artes Escénicas crea TEMPLO CABARET. Espectáculo fundamentado en una de las principales líneas de investigación de la compañía, el teatro inmersivo y...

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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  • MANU SÁNCHEZ – Seville

    Place: Cartuja Center Date: From 26 to the 27 December 2020 Time: 20:00 Entrance: Desde 16€ La llegada de un visitante lejano, a peculiar being with exotic features, novedosas costumbres y absoluta y atrevida ignorancia del...

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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  • BIRD + THE WHITE BITCH – Seville

    Place: Room X Date: Saturday 26 December 2020 Time: 14:00 Entrance: Desde 15€ La Sevilla de Pájaro es más la del río Betis que la del Guadalquivir, más de Itálica que de Giralda, more of...

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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  • The TORRE SEVILLA Shopping Center and the AECC collaborate in the Christmas Campaign with a solidarity gift packaging point and a Portal de Belén

    El Centro Comercial TORRE SEVILLA y la AECC colaboran en la Campaña de Navidad con un punto de empaquetado de regalos solidarios y un Portal de Belén · Los clientes podrán envolver sus regalos y colaborar con la...

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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  • THE BANKER'S WIDOW - Seville
    THE BANKER'S WIDOW – Seville

    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: From 17 to the 31 December 2020 Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a 14 hours. Closed Monday....

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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    Place: ANTIQUARIUM LAS MUSHROOMS Date: 22, 23, 26 And 27 December 2020 Time: 11:00 And 13:00 Roman traditions were very curious,such as exchanging the role of slave with that of the master, decorar casas y...

    • Posted December 20, 2020
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