
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • Sevilla, for the reconquest

    Sevilla counts the hours to fight again to conquer Europe. Aquí te dejamos todo lo que se sabe de el enfrentamiento que acercará de nuevo a la gloria al rey de la UEFA. ALINEACIONES PROBABLES:...

    • Posted August 21, 2020
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  • Opening of the San Fernando urn

    Place: Royal Chapel Hours: of 8:00 h. a 14:00 h. Access: Puerta de los Palos El 22 August will take place in the Cathedral of Seville. La urna del Rey San Fernando se abre durante cuatro fechas...

    • Posted August 20, 2020
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  • Isolate 30 young people for attending a disco with positive

    The deputy mayor of the Sevillian municipality of Pruna, ha confirmado que hay unos 30 jóvenes aislados por asistir a una discoteca en la que uno de sus clientes ha dado positivo. Los jóvenes asistieron en la noche del sábado...

    • Posted August 20, 2020
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  • Seville: 34 infections and three new admissions to ICU

    In Seville they have been infected 3375 people. Today's data, represent a slight decrease in the figures of daily infections, taking into account that yesterday, in the province they were counted 41 nuevos positivos....

    • Posted August 19, 2020
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  • Seville: A new deceased and 41 infections

    From the past 7 July, no new deaths had been recorded in the province. The number of infected since the pandemic began is 3.341 after the 41 positivos detectados en las últimas horas....

    • Posted August 18, 2020
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  • Seville: Unemployment grows in the province a 24% in children under 30 years old

    CCOO warns that in Seville there are almost 9.000 young people unemployed more than before the coronavirus. El Sindicato alerta de que el desempleo ha crecido en un 24% entre los y las menores de 30 años en Sevilla....

    • Posted August 13, 2020
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  • Seville: Hytasa closes the pool for positive Covid-19

    Seville City Council, has decided to preventively close the swimming pool at the Hytasa sports center to proceed with a comprehensive disinfection after a monitor has tested positive for COVID-19. Cuyo positivo ha sido confirmado mediante prueba...

    • Posted August 13, 2020
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  • Seville: Christmas will light up on 27 November

    Christmas will come to Seville next 27 November. Almost a million euros has been allocated to illuminate 284 streets of the city. The budget is 962.913.86 euros to 284 streets. 63 serán en nuevas ubicaciones...

    • Posted August 12, 2020
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  • Seville: 18 cases of viral meningoencephalitis

    18 cases of viral meningoencephalitis in the province of Seville. It is stated that the grouping of cases corresponds to the area of: Puebla del Río and Coria del Río, que se encuentran dentro del área de marismas del...

    • Posted August 12, 2020
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  • Do you still have pesetas? Are you in time to change them

    The deadline to exchange our old currency for euros is over. The pesetas have very close the deadline for their change, from which you can still benefit those issued from 1939. The other condition that the ...

    • Posted August 12, 2020
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