
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • Seville: Add an outbreak in Aljarafe and another in the capital

    Seville adds two new shoots, one in the district of Seville capital, with five people, y otro en el Aljarafe con doce personas contagiadas. Estos dos nuevos focos elevan a 26 el total de brotes registrados en la provincia....

    • Posted August 12, 2020
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  • Seville: Parks close due to rain and storm warning

    The Seville Emergency service has reported that today Tuesday 12.00 a 18.00, All public parks in Seville will be closed due to the yellow level warning due to rains and storms. Se esperan rachas de viento superiores a...

    • Posted August 11, 2020
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  • New improved App of the Seville Metro

    La actualización de la aplicación para móviles del suburbano permite contactar con atención al cliente de forma ágil y cómoda. Se ha añadido la opción Estaciones favoritas, a través de la cual el usuario puede seleccionar y...

    • Posted August 11, 2020
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  • Caliphate Concert + Bsn Posse and Pop Caac

    BSN posse is a project that arises at the beginning of 2011 fruit of the musical union of two of the members of the Memory Call collective. Sergio Ruiz (Stay Puft) and Enrique Gervilla (Broken Lip). Tickets: Desde 10€ Lugar:...

    • Posted August 10, 2020
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  • Seville: A new outbreak raises 23 the detected foci

    Of the 23 foci detected in the province, dos ya han sido superados, siete se encuentran bajo control y 14 continúan en fase de investigación. El nuevo foco registrado en las últimas horas pertenece al distrito sanitario...

    • Posted August 10, 2020
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  • Seville: ICU without patients but adds 48 infections

    The last hours have left in Seville 48 contagions and a new outbreak in the province. Since the health crisis began, en Sevilla se han contagiado 2921 people. Un nuevo brote en distrito sanitario Sur, elevates a 22 los...

    • Posted August 8, 2020
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  • Seville: The City Council will resurface the accesses to the Cartuja through Barqueta

    City Hall, has tendered the street resurfacing works: Álvaro Alonso Barba Juan Bautista Muñoz José de Gálvez Matemáticos Rey Pastor y Castro Incluidos el Puente de la Barqueta y la Pasarela del Lago, with ...

    • Posted August 8, 2020
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  • Seville: New bike path from San Jerónimo to La Macarena

    Seville City Council, Work continues on the new bike lane and pedestrian itinerary. It includes: La reurbanización de acerados La mejora de la accesibilidad La construcción de alcorques para próximas plantaciones de nuevo arbolado Puesto...

    • Posted August 8, 2020
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  • Seville: Two outbreaks in Aljarafe and one in the capital in the last hours

    Three new outbreaks have been registered in the province, one in the capital, y dos en el Aljarafe sevillano. Con estos tres brotes, los focos en la provincia se elevan a 20. En concreto los brotes localizados en el...

    • Posted August 7, 2020
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  • Coronavirus: Two outbreaks in Camas and in Seville raise 17 the lights

    Seville has registered two new outbreaks in the last hour, after two days without new outbreaks in the province. It is an outbreak in the capital and another in Camas, both under investigation. El brote de...

    • Posted August 6, 2020
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