
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • Phase 2: Pool openings

    Already in the phase 2 of the de-escalation, They will be able to open the pools with a capacity of 30%. Recreational pools may be opened to the public, being allowed access to them by ...

    • Posted May 25, 2020
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  • The League will return on 8 June

    Pedro Sánchez, informa de los avances en la emergencia sanitaria provocada por la covid-19. Ha anunciado que a partir del 8 de junio volverá La Liga de fútbol en España. “España ha hecho lo que debe y...

    • Posted May 23, 2020
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  • Seville goes to phase 2

    Salvador Illa has confirmed that the province of Seville will complete the phase 2. Six provinces will pass in Andalusia, except Malaga and Granada, that will continue in phase 1. Nos hemos guiado por la máxima de que...

    • Posted May 22, 2020
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  • Seville: Five municipalities with the highest incidence of the pandemic

    The number of positives for coronavirus is spreading and there are localities where the virus has hit harder, Some incidence rates far exceed the Seville and Andalusian average. Andalucía ha figurado en el grupo de las...

    • Posted May 22, 2020
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  • La Hiniesta opens its doors for the day of the anniversary of his coronation

    The Virgin of La Hiniesta will be exposed this Saturday 23 May, so that they can come on the day of the anniversary of their coronation in the parish of San Julián, por lo que será la primera imagen que se verá en...

    • Posted May 22, 2020
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  • The hydroalcoholic gel that smells of incense

    In the churches of Seville in recent days a gel has been put with the smell of alcohol that leaves the necessary hydroalcoholic that is dispensed at the entrance. Este aroma nos acerca más a esa Semana Santa que no ha...

    • Posted May 22, 2020
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  • Seville: Very high temperatures

    The City of Seville returns to high temperatures. This weekend we will be practically in summer, we will reach 38 maximum degrees for Saturday and Sunday, This Thursday the maximum will reach 35 but the temperatures....

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • The community pools of Seville in difficult situation

    From the College of Property Administrators of Seville they show their concern: "Many communities of owners will not be able to meet the demands of the order of the Ministry of Health due to lack of means to comply with it.,...

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • Is everything controlled?

    By order of the Ministry of Health: Desde este jueves el uso de mascarillas pasa a ser obligatorio en los espacios cerrados y en la calle cuando no se pueda garantizar una distancia mínima de dos metros. Serán obligatorias menos a...

    • Posted May 21, 2020
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  • Seville: Shopping centers open the 25 May

    They will be able to open in the phase 2 of the de-escalation that will begin next Monday 25 May. In Seville they are already preparing for the reopening, which will be carried out with a limitation of the 30% del aforo...

    • Posted May 20, 2020
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