
All posts tagged "Seville"

  • When would Seville enter the phase 2?

    With phase 1, (which is where Seville is currently located), Among other possibilities, meetings of up to 10 people, attend religious services, use the vehicle with more than one occupant, circular con libertad...

    • Posted May 12, 2020
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  • Seville: No deaths and no new income

    After 58 days of confinement and already in the Phase 1, la provincia de Sevilla mantiene a raya la propagación de la pandemia. Los datos apuntan a que la crisis sanitaria provocada por el coronavirus va...

    • Posted May 11, 2020
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  • When do the shopping centers in Seville reopen?

    Every day it is less strange to see more small business blinds on the rise than, They are resuming their activity after almost two months of commercial drought due to the coronavirus crisis. In sevilla, this opening could occur on 25...

    • Posted May 11, 2020
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  • Seville rush to its reopening

    Today, not all of the hospitality stores will reopen, far from it, but yes more than expected, debido a la necesidad que ya sufren de manera aguda y a que el Gobierno rectificó y...

    • Posted May 11, 2020
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  • Eight measures to maintain health security in Seville bars

    Los establecimientos sevillanos podrán usar la terraza con la prohibición expresa de que el cliente consuma en el interior de cualquier negocio, al que solo puede acceder para ir al baño. Se están tomando hasta ocho medidas para...

    • Posted May 11, 2020
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  • Seville: There will be no schedule to go to the bar, to the purchase or to a friend's house

    The schedules, sólo será a partir del lunes para las actividades deportivas individuales y los paseos con o sin menores de 14. Para ir al bar, a la compra o a casa de tu amigo, no hay horario. Los andaluces podrán...

    • Posted May 10, 2020
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  • Seville: Highest number of coronavirus positives and four deaths

    Seville: With 34 new positives, ha registrado la cifra más alta de nuevos contagios en lo que va de semana, muy lejos de los tres casos registrados el pasado martes o de los seis del pasado lunes. El balance...

    • Posted May 9, 2020
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  • This weekend in Seville the controls of departure times and social distance will be reinforced

    Departure times and social distance will be reinforced to avoid a possible relaxation of the population when strictly complying with the rules of confinement and the exits allowed for sports and walking. Así lo ha anunciado...

    • Posted May 9, 2020
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  • These are the provinces that go to phase 1

    These are the provinces that go to phase 1: It's about Seville, Cádiz, Huelva, Córdoba, Jaén and Almería. Those that remain in the phase 0 are Malaga and Granada, even if, both “están muy cerca de cumplir con...

    • Posted May 8, 2020
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  • What can I do in the phase 1?

    The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, he said, that Monday 11 May, in the phase 1 of the de-escalation plan allows to move to second residences if they are within the same province, isla...

    • Posted May 8, 2020
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