
All posts tagged "theater"

  • The faithful dog – Sala Cero Teatro

    From 28 to the 31 March 2019 Thursday 28 and Friday 29 to 20:30 h.- Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March at 19:30 h. Company: J. F. Producciones (Seville) Comedia Localidades de 11...

    • Posted January 31, 2019
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  • Who is Gloria Fuertes?- Quintero Theatre Sevilla

    Sunday 31 March 2019 to 12:00 h. locations: From 10 € Place: Quintero Theatre – C / Cot, 15 – Sevilla Teatro Familiar con Música en Directo Con Joaquín Calderón y Elías Pelayo Produccions Farré,...

    • Posted January 31, 2019
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  • Theater. "The Road" de Federico Fellini

    From 21/03/2019 to the 24/03/2019 theater Schedule: 20:30h. // Sunday: 19:30h Locations from 4 € Place: Lope de Vega Theatre – Av Maria Luisa, s/n. Sevilla Versión de Gerard Vázquez en una adaptación para teatro, dirigida por Mario...

    • Posted January 24, 2019
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  • The conceited little rat - Sala Cero Teatro

    23 and 24 March 2019 Saturday, 23 March at 17:00 – Sunday, 24 March at 12:00 h. Company: owl Theater (Seville) Gender: Locations puppetry 7 a 11 € Place: Living room...

    • Posted January 24, 2019
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  • RED RIDING HOOD in Seville Quintero Theater
    RED RIDING HOOD in Seville Quintero Theater

    Saturday 23 March 2019 to 12:00 and 18:00 h. locations: From 12 € Place: Quintero Theatre – C / Cot, 15 – Sevilla El Cuento Clásico para los pequeños que encantará a los mayores. Jabetín...

    • Posted January 23, 2019
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  • Theater. “Around Nora” with Goblin Productions

    From 14/03/2019 to the 17/03/2019 Schedule: 20:30h. // Sunday: 19:30h Locations from 4 € Place: Lope de Vega Theatre – Av Maria Luisa, s/n. Sevilla Trasgo Producciones presenta la secuela de “Casa de Muñecas” bajo el título “La...

    • Posted January 17, 2019
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  • Theater. "El Funeral". Concha Velasco - Lope de Vega Theatre. Seville
    Theater. “The funeral” Manual M. Velasco – Lope de Vega. Seville

    From 06/03/2019 to the 10/03/2019 Schedule: 20:30h. // Sunday: 19:30h Check out Place: Lope de Vega Theatre – Av Maria Luisa, s/n. Sevilla Pentación Espectáculos presenta “El Funeral”, una comedia sobrenatural con Concha Velasco en el papel protagonista...

    • Posted January 10, 2019
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  • Theater. “Arturo goodbye” – Theater company La Cubana

    From 13/02/2019 to the 03/03/2019 Schedule: Monday and Tuesday: break // Wednesday and Thursday: 20:30 hours // Friday and Saturday: 19:00 and 23:00 hours // Sunday: 19:30 hours. locations from 18 € Place: Lope de Vega Theatre –...

    • Posted January 3, 2019
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  • High seduction of Arturo Fernandez - Quintero Theatre Sevilla
    High seduction of Arturo Fernandez – Quintero Theatre Sevilla

    From 17 January to 28 February 2019 locations: General – 29,95 € Place: Quintero Theatre – C / Cot, 15 – Sevilla La obra de teatro “HIGH SEDUCTION” de Arturo Fernández aterriza en Sevilla y el Teatro Quintero durante más de...

    • Posted December 28, 2018
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  • Parade of Polar Bears Christmas Sevilla 2018 – 2019

    The show 'Arktika’ moved the public to polar world, by mechanical constructions representing fauna and try to evoke their habitat.   Activity: passacaglia Date: Since the 5 December 2018 until 7 of January of...

    • Posted November 7, 2018
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