
poetic concert “Pressing keys and words”. Conservatory La Palmera. Seville

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By on 17/05/2018

15 June
Conservatory La Palmera
Price: 15€

The intimate music deep, captivating, compositions piano Ricardo Ándres Tomares, Calan to the depths of the soul of the hearer. its sensitivity, intuition and certainty that the key you press is the right unbeknownst, I did write the agenda “pressing words through the heart”. With the desire to regale which gave us, We joined the music and words. From heart to heart. Durante un primer acto escucharemos a Ricardo tocar y expresar sus composiciones. Later, Juan Román He read his poems accompanied on the piano by concert.

Tickets on the Web Flowpiano

concert-poetical conservatory-la-palm-sevilla

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