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By on 23/09/2023

Wednesday 17 to Thursday 23 November 2023

Company: Sofía Aguilar Art Productions and Circular Productions
Hometown: Seville
Adaptación del texto: Ana Graciani
Gender: Comedy
Duration: 70′
Recommended age: +7 years old


Wednesday 17 November 2023 a 20:30 h.

Thursday 18 November 2023 to 20:30 h.

Friday 19 November 2023 to 20:30 h.

Saturday 18 November 2023 to 19:30 and 21:30 h.

Sunday 19 November 2023 to 19:30 h.

Wednesday 22 November 2023 to 20:30 h.

Thursday 23 November 2023 to 20:30 h.

locations 10 a 20 €

Place: Sala Cero Teatro – Calle Sol, 5 (Santa Catalina). Seville


A serial murderer is in check Seville. It is a mysterious criminal ensures kill to preserve the purity Seville, Sevillanas ways. Again and again outwitting the police investigation, He has already committed seven murders, signed all with the unmistakable stamp of his peculiar murder weapon: scolds a sharp wedge.

The inspector -llegado Villanueva Madrid to take over the case of hand very Sevillian agent Jiménez- It is torn, and it is preparing to return to Madrid with the bitter feeling of the most spectacular failure of his career. But today is Maundy Thursday, and Seville, on Holy Thursday, anything can happen…



Cast: Manolo Monteagudo, Moncho Sanchez-Diezma, Paqui Montoya and José María Peña
Street address: Antonio Campos
Text: Adaptación teatral de Ana Graciani, basada en la novela homónima de Julio Muñoz Gijón
Lighting design: Manu Madueño
Music: Alejandro Rojas Marcos
Wardrobe: Mar Aguilar
Set design: Antonio Marin
Ayudante dirección: candela fernandez
Production: Sofía Aguilar Art Productions and Circular Productions
Executive producer: Sofía Aguilar y Elías Sevillano
Photography, vídeo y diseño gráfico: Salvador Gil
Communication: Mamen Muñoz


+info / Buy your ticket: http://salacero.com

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