
The Machinist General. Caixa Forum. Seville

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By on 09/05/2018

Saturday 12 May, to 12:00 h
Price: 4€ promotions:50% dTO. CaixaBank customers

Film cycle “small moviegoers”
The Machinist General
Buster Keaton, 1926, EE.UU. Silent film with signs in Castilian

engineer-general-box-forum sevilla
Johnny Gray is a machinist with two great passions: a girl and a locomotive that is called The General. In the War of Secession, Johnny tries unsuccessfully to join the army, because they believe that will be most useful working as a machinist. When a commander of northern steals his engine and his girl, Johnny did not hesitate a second to go up to another machine to retrieve her two loves, becoming an unexpected hero.

Original title: The General
Street address: Buster Keaton y Clyde Bruckman
Gender: comedy
Original language: silent film with signs in Castilian
Duration: 67 min
Recommended age: +6
An educator will present this film providing basic and necessary keys to interpret and enjoy it.
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