
El Brujo - Aeschylus, birth and death of tragedy – Cartuja Center Sevilla 2019

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By on 20/07/2019

Friday 20 September 2019

21:00 hours

locations 20 a 29€

Place: Cartuja Center Sevilla

Rafael Alvarez The Witch’ versiona textsSquirrel, birth and death of tragedy a life full of reflections of this classic through a monologue solo show that will offer the “look” a comic about the Greek tragedies. It will offer the viewer a “drive between laughter and crying” where they are combined “laughter and reflection”.

approx: 120 minutes

Age: All Public

+info / Buy your ticket: https://cartujacenter.com

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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