
I lived in Seville, the comedy. Pathé Theater, Seville.

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By on 24/07/2023

This absurd and hilarious comedy brings us closer to the figures of Santa Justa and Rufina in a playful and entertaining way..

Date: From Thursday 21 Sunday 24 September 2023
Time: From Thursday to Saturday at 21:30 and Sunday at 21
Place: Pathé Theater – Calle Cuna, 15 – Seville

Entrance: From €15.95 + Commission expenses

More information: https://teatropathe.com/

The Patronesses of Seville, Santa Justa and Santa Rufina, were martyred in the year 287 d C., by order of Diogenian, the city prefect. Almost two thousand years later, These Saints decide to carry out a petition inside and outside of Seville, They feel ignored and forgotten by the people of Seville and demand more prominence and recognition.

Among their demands, The most important is to go out in procession in “La Madrugá” during Holy Week in Seville.. To do this, they need financing and have organized crowdfunding and a request for signatures that they will present to the highest levels of the Vatican itself.. This absurd and hilarious comedy brings us closer to the figures of Santa Justa and Rufina in a playful and entertaining way..
We will learn a little about their history and the journey and torture to which the city's leader subjected them., yes indeed, hand in hand with two characters who exceed the time and idiosyncrasies in which they lived and present themselves as two sisters who, traveling history, They empathize with the contemporary world and want to be included and recognized within it.

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. Haz click

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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