
These are the provinces that go to phase 1

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By on 08/05/2020

These are the provinces that go to phase 1: It's about Seville, Cádiz, Huelva, Córdoba, Jaén and Almería. Those that remain in the phase 0 are Malaga and Granada, even if, both “are very close to meeting the criteria”.

Exceeded the peak of infections and with about twenty new cases a day in Andalusia, now begins a new time of opening of spaces and recovery of gradual rights that begins with the phase 1.

It is already known that the inhabitants of Seville, Cádiz, Huelva, Córdoba, Jaén and Almería may have a little more freedom from this Monday.

The criteria for passing phase have been the number of intensive care beds available for each 10.000 inhabitants and the number of acute patient beds.

Others have been valued such as the reproduction rate, basic to measure the evolution of the pandemic.

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. Haz click

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