
Exposure: ASNOGRAPHY – Seville

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By on 08/10/2020


Date: From 11 to the 31 October 2020

Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a 14 and 17 a 20 hours Sundays and holidays 10 a 14 hours. Closed on Mondays.

This exhibition invites us to contemplate the presence of the work of Juan Ramón Jiménez in the Spanish school culture over the last hundred years.

It aims to show how it has been represented andgiven to read the work of the poet of Moguer in the Spanish schools during that wide and varied historical period. Its content is divided into three sections.

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. Haz click

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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