
Exposición Rosalind Nashashibi. Green Hearts – Caac – Seville

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By on 14/04/2020

Opening: 19 September 2019, to 20:30 h.
: 20 September – 2 February 2020
: Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes
Coordinator: Roxana Gazdzinski
Space: Monumental zone
Collaborate: IKEA

The set of works selected for this exhibition establishes a trio of duets through the interrelation between the filmic work and the transitional spaces provided by their pictorial works.. So, the oldest pieces have Palestine as the setting, in that inquiry about the place of origin of his father and the daily conditions that derive from the political situation in social relations. On the other hand, it is possible to establish a union between two films of the year 2017: Why Are You Angry? and Vivian’s Garden.

Rosalind Nashashibi has an outstanding international artistic career: has been a finalist for the Turner Prize, participated in the last documenta of Kassel, as well as at the Venice Biennale or Manifesta. The last year he has exhibited individually at The Art Institute of Chicago, Witte de With de Róterdam, Foksal Gallery de Varsovia, Vienna Secession or Ghent SMAK. Now we have the opportunity in Seville to delve into his career.

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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