
TRAINING Circada 2014

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By on 09/06/2014

Circada 2014 tener to return a training program that, in this issue, has been developed in collaboration with LaSedede (calle bajeles 4, Seville)

Offer: Daniel Sánchez “Dani Fausto” · Precio: 50€ · Fechas: 11, 12 and 13 de junio de 11h a 14h · Lugar: LaSedede
A course that explores the creative possibilities of notation system-Swap Site, to generate patterns of juggling solo and group never before seen. Every single trick can be transformed into many different collective patterns.

Offer: Pablo Goblins (Co.. Pistacatro) · Precio: 50€ · Fechas: 14 and 15 June from 10am 14:30h · Lugar: LaSedede
A workshop suitable for Circus Artists, Physical Dancers and Actors who want to experiment with the possibilities of his body. On the other hand it could also guide the course more towards dance and portés, without drama or component creation

•Plazas: for both minimum tallers 6 and maximum 16. To reserve a place: info@lasedede.com by telephone to the 63877964. Do a course € 50, of the two € 80

MEETING Circada. The circus in the XXI century.
Day 8 June, 13h. The Sedede
The Sedede Circada and come together to organize this meeting in which chat, informal but rigurosamente, on the situation of contemporary circus today. An opportunity to learn first-hand artists, managers, forming the public simply, hear their versions of the facts or bring your own ideas. After the conference there is provided a popular food.
Saturday 7 to 18 hs in LASEDE, calle bajeles 4, Seville

Saturday 7 · 18:00h. · Lugar: La Sedede · Gratuita
The Industrial Teatrera is one of the circus and theater companies benchmarks for clown in Europe. In 2014 Circada return to one of its most exciting shows: "In Step". And to celebrate, the co-organizes Sedede Circada a free masterclass with Jaume Navarro and Mamen Olias. To this are essential terms breathing, listening, consciousness and being. The essence of the Clown of the desire to want in the scene, not that I have to do. "The club not only makes you laugh, but moves. Move is to move emotions. And to move there to move the emotions of oneself ".

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