
Juan Amodeo “The time Machine” – Fibes Sevilla 2019

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By on 16/01/2019
John Amodeo "The Time Machine" - Fibes Sevilla 2019

Friday 15 and Saturday 16 March 2019

Friday 15 to 21:30 hours

Saturday 16 to 17:30 and 21:30 hours.

locations from 16,20 €

Place: Fibes. Exhibition and Conference in Seville (Sala Al-Andalus) – Avda. Mayor Luis Uruñuela, 1, 41020 Seville.

Sometimes you will find amazing things on the Internet: virus be caused by adult sites, sentences for nicks of Messenger ... What I never imagined that our hero is find a time machine, and also would work.

After exhausting all entries in his previous tour, This new show in Seville humorist John Amodeo tell what the history books hid us about some of the most important events of our past and of course, as good a time machine, He will also travel to the future (if you only travel to the past the show called "The machine of the past", no "The Time Machine").

If you want to know if Sofia and Letizia get along in the 2021, If your best friend really was Pedro Yisus, if they are to continue to carry the fotitos looking down with great intensity on Instagram 2034, If Mozart was an inspiration to Maluma, Oriol Junqueras if managed to open the eye 2024 or how many have master's degrees in Cifuentes 2042 ready, because this is your show.

Bienvenidx to The Time Machine!

+info / Buy your ticket: http://www.fibes.es

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