
"The comedy of lies" with Paco Tous, Maria Barranco and Pepón Nieto. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville.

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By on 22/02/2018
"The comedy of lies" with Paco Tous, Maria Barranco and Pepón Nieto. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville.

From 01/03/2018 to the 04/03/2018
Lope de Vega Theatre.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 20:30h
Sunday: 19:30h
Cycle: Theater

"The comedy of lies" with Paco Tous, Maria Barranco and Pepón Nieto. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville.

Pep Anton Gómez and Sergi Pormarmayer adapt the work of Platuto: "The comedy of lies"

Pepón artists Nieto, Maria Barranco and Paco Tous star in "The Comedy of lies" under the production of Pentación Producciones from the work of Plautus with the direction of Pep Anton Gómez and Sergi Pormarmayer.

Athens. Two brothers, Hippolyta and Leonids, they are in love. She's a young man named Tíndaro, a young woman named him Gymnastics, what, however, is… flutist. But neither Tíndaro or gymnastics are couples who the father of Hippolyta and Leonids, a recalcitrant miser, wine merchant, cloths and lyres, You want for their children. At present, It is a business trip. And he left the house by his sister Cántara, the spinster aunt who takes over forty years waiting to Philemon, his childhood sweetheart, one day he went out to buy figs and never returned.

Hippolyta wants to elope with Tíndaro, not before getting the dowry her father refuses to pay. How to get it? lying.

Leonids wants to elope with Gimnasia because such a Degollus, Macedonian general, he has bought for his use and enjoyment, and intends to take her. How to get it? lying.

Calidoro, slave for all, who has cared and has seen the two brothers, what, as he says "he has only lacked them boob ', He is forced to help. How? lying.

In the meantime, large pitcher, after so many years of abstinence, It takes the world by storm and falls in love with a young man named Titinius, which actually it is not called Titinius, because Titinius lies. And Degollus appears, which also happens to be who they say they, why, Clear, He also lies. And all these lies, sumémosles many pirates, and an old man named Posthumus, and Tiberia, always nosy and rabiosa, and a mysterious mother, I do not really know what happened to her, and a few cuttlefish, and pears, many pears, and the wonderful verses of Sappho, and still more lies. All lies concocted so that blood does not reach the river and love triumph. Ah, and that Calidoro, poor, not end up getting the sticks as always. Although, we know that, being a slave, it will not be easy.

DISTRIBUTION: Pepón Nieto, Maria Barranco, Paco Tous, José Troncoso, Angy Fernández, Raul Jimenez, Marta Wars.

More information www.teatrolopedevega.org

"The comedy of lies" with Paco Tous, Maria Barranco and Pepón Nieto. Lope de Vega Theatre, Seville.

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