
Creating a security, for the fight against cybercrime

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By on 20/06/2020

The Joly Group held yesterday the third edition of its Joly Digital Meetings, an online format in which to address current issues in depth.

with the title“The challenges of cybersecurity in this new era”, brought together three experts from different fields who presented their points of view to understand the challenges we face in this“new normal”.

Spain has become the fourth country in the world in which cyberattacks have increased the most.

They discussed aspects such as security in teleworking, awareness and training plans and monitoring of all information in real time.

As an initial reflection on the challenges of cybersecurity, Vanessa Gil Laredo, highlighted that "the digital transformation in which we are immersed and the use of new technologies, greatly increase the possibilities we have of offering new products and new services, But these opportunities also come with new security and privacy risks., which are key aspects for the survival of the digital economy”.

Even in this situation of economic crisis, it is essential that companies invest in security.

In this new scenario, the experts revealed some simple guidelines for safe teleworking.

“We must consider security in teleworking, not only from the point of view of the company with platform teams, virtual private networks and more, but we must also give priority to the user. When he does his work from home, he does not have the technological infrastructure and the same security measures as in the company”.

“It is very important that as users we adopt safe habits in teleworking and in our digital environment. It is essential to establish a secure configuration of our Wi-Fi network to prevent malicious users from accessing our information”. 

  • Change the password that comes by default from the Wi-Fi network
  • Use strong passwords on all our devices
  • Select the strongest encryption mode of the router
  • Or that we securely configure all our devices

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