
“The blame” David Mamet- Sevilla Teatro Lope de Vega 2019

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By on 03/03/2019

From 30/04/2019 to the 03/05/2019


Schedule: 20:30h.

locations from 4 €

Place: Lope de Vega Theatre – Av Maria Luisa, s/n. Seville

Ana Fernández, Miguel Hermoso, Pepón Nieto and Magüi Mira star in this work

Recurring themes such as abuse of power and show trials, TalyCual the company has chosen to stage a work of American playwright David Mamet, It will be first performed in Spain, After its premiere in New York.

It tells the story of a psychiatrist who is required to testify in favor of a patient, responsible for committing a slaughter. When he refuses to do so, his career, his ethics and beliefs are questioned, triggering a spiral of events that convulse not only his life, but to the person who wants. Current and exciting, It has the magic to which we are accustomed Mamet why it is considered one of the most influential playwrights of the moment.

+info / Buy your ticket: http://teatrolopedevega.org

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. in www.andalunet.com

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. https://www.andalunet.com/category/curiosidades-de-sevilla-sabias-que/

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