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By on 12/01/2021

Place: Caixaforum Seville

Date: THE 25 NOVEMBER 2020 AL 21 MARCH 2021

Time: FROM 10 A 20 H

Entrance: 6€


An exhibition that takes us into the process of creating the characters in Pixar Animation Studios films.

Throughout the exhibition, visitors will be able to discover the intentions of the drawings and models, the reason for every detail of the characters and their environments to achieve the great objective: bring stories to life.

Sevilla/25-11-2020: Exhibition ‘Pixar. Building characters’ present at CaixaForum Sevilla. PHOTO: PACO PUENTES / EL PAIS

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. Haz click

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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