
Programming XX Bienal de Flamenco. Seville 2018

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By on 30/07/2018

Since the 6 to the 30 September 2018, A total of eleven spaces, including the Plaza de Toros, Puerto de Sevilla, Turina Space and Cultural Factory, recently opened, They will be transformed to accommodate many different shows and flamenco artists companies.

The XX Biennial wants to convey the image of bringing flamenco to all public, by involving the public in an opening day, festive and participatory, in which the art of singing will approach, guitar playing and dancing to families, people of Sevilla and its many visitors showing that flamenco is not just for a specific sector of society and can move the feelings more knowledgeable but also anyone who comes to this discipline for the first time. "The flamenco, like all arts, and especially being an art of oral tradition, you still need to use this method to pass from one generation to another, outside schools and conservatories ", says Antonio Zoido, director of the Biennial.

"The Café Alameda takes its name and essence of the old Café Cantantes, they were the place where flamenco family became show. However, We will not play the songs of that time, but they will be adapted to the new current styles ".

This new site will allow continuous interaction between the public and artists through known figures, other disciplines, which act as thread.


The image of the Biennial this year has been drawn up by the artist Pedro G. Romero who wanted to shape a new vision of flamenco, carrying through a series of vignettes representing people of this art to the neighborhoods of the city. Each of the nine images that compose will be distributed by different areas of Seville, transmitting a message in which values ​​the grandeur of flamenco through quotes, romanceros or extracts from songs.

Eleven will be the representative spaces of this year: Plaza de Toros Real Maestranza, Real Alcázar, Teatro de la Maestranza, Lope de Vega Theatre, Teatro Alameda, Theatre Central, San Luis Church of the French, Hotel Triana, Turina space, Port of Seville and Cultural Factory.

Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza

The starting signal will be given at the Maestranza Arena with the show the dancer Israel Galván.

Real Alcázar.

During the second week of September, Real Alcázar will host three evening shows, at 21.30, they offer a vision of flamenco in a privileged.

Teatro de la Maestranza.

One of the most central locations on the map of the Biennial, definitely, He will remain the Teatro de la Maestranza, which will begin its programming day 8 and 9 consecrated September with figures of flamenco as Farruquito Farruquito with his show and Calixto Sánchez, José de la Tomasa and Pepa Montes. On Sunday 16 September will arrive D. Quixote hand Andrés Marín

The third week of programming can enjoy Rocío Molina days 18 and 19 September. Grito Pelao will work onstage with Silvia Pérez Cruz and Lola Cruz.

Similarly, the last week, the Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía with the direction of Rafael Estévez offer Flamencolorquiano the 24 September. Two days later, Rafaela Carrasco premiere ballroom own address for Tamara Lopez, Javier Barón, Rubén Olmo and David Coria, inter alia. Tia Juana la del Pipa, Remedios Amaya and Juana Amaya, will take the stage in the cycle "The art of your flight. XX edition ", the 27 September.

The last date theater, the 29 September, It is reserved for Eva Yerbabuena Company. Sugar Tales opens.

All shows will be at 20:30 pm.

Lope de Vega Theatre.

It will host its second week of Joaquín Grilo shows Cositas mine, The Granaíno with Granaíno Jondo and the Society of Salvador Tavora with Quejío day 13, 14 and 15 September, respectively.

The third week of the Biennial, days 17, 19, 20 and 23, It will turn to Compadres with Niño de Pura and Manolo Franco. The 19 Pastora Galván Maria Earthquake and The Golden Age.

Utrera , City will star in the show trunk sap "Utrera" with spoon Utrera, joselito Chico, Delia Shoveler, Joselito del Pitín, Sofia Suarez, Alfonso Romero, Antonio Moreno y Hijo Pitín. The 23 September will act Antonio Rey and Diego del Morao with the show guitars Jerez. It will close the cycle of performances at the Lope de Vega Niño de Elche, day 25, with heterodox anthology of cante and Ana Morales on Friday 28 September with the show without permission (Songs for silence).

All shows will be at 20.30 hours.

Theatre Central.

At 23 hours, flamenco will resonate in the Isla de la Cartuja, inside the Central Theater. Patricia Guerrero Company perform on 9 interpret dystopia. Olga Pericet the 11 September takes stage Spina. Mercedes Ruiz's 17 premieres Tauromagia. Choreography for the work of Manolo Sanlucar. Thomas Perrate the 19 Solea brings Sola and Andrés Peña and Pilar Ogalla the 21 The present Tournée. For his part, Leonor Leal's 23 September starts Night scene last week, Maria Moreno de la Concepcion, La Moneta with Granada and Isabel Bayón I am, They will tread the boards of the Central day 25, 27 and 29 September, respectively.

Church of San Luigi dei Francesi.

every Sunday morning, at 12, you can enjoy a unique spectacle inside this temple with the series "One Hundred Years of cante".

It will open on Sunday 9 Ines Bacan and Child Gines and will close on Sunday 30 September with Nano de Jerez and Toñi Fernández, while Segundo Falcón and Paco del Viso The Sopi; and Pepe Rueda and Tamara Aguilera will perform on 16 and 23 September, respectively.

Teatro Alameda.

One of the highlights of the XX Biennial of Flamenco will be the Alameda Theater, Café-Cantante become.

The first performance will be called the shared solitude of Lole Montoya and Évora 8 September, continuing the second week, specifically on 10, Rosario La Tremendita. Maria Earthquake has set his performance 16 September with the imprint of my Sentío.

The third week of programming host performances by Tomasito and Gipsy Rap, Big Band with Chaotic ball and Gualberto with Chamber Orchestra and the Flemish Suite in D day 18, 20 and 22, respectively, concluding day 24, 26 and 28 September with performances by Gerardo Núñez & Ulf Wakenius & Brush with Logos, David Lagos with hodierno and Rosalia Rosalia with the show, respectively.

All performances begin at 23h .

Turina space.

The Turina space in this edition adds flamenco enclave in the streets of Seville Laraña. At 19h, Space will host on 13, 14 and 15 September performances by Paco Jarana and work Flamencorio, Alfredo Lagos with Sonanta Club and Pedro María Peña, Anabel Valencia and Faical Kourrich as guest artists, in Paseo de las Delicias. Already in the third week, It will be the turn of Rafael Rodriguez leaving me, David Carmona with a dream of Madness and Santiago Lara with a guitar two-sided, the days 20, 21 and 22 the same month.

All performances begin at 19 hours.

Hotel Triana.

Hotel Triana is synonymous with Bienal de Flamenco. Again establish itself as the reference Flemish quintessential, as full territory of the city. So that, in the second week of September, the days 12, 13, 14 and 15 They begin at 23h and multitudinous expected flamenco parties.

Cultural factory.

The new training and cultural space South Polygon host a series of concerts entitled "Biennial Factory". Every Saturday in September, to 12 noon, attendees can enjoy a sponsorship program between generations of artists, where flamenco artists already consecrated share experiences and tables with promising young genre. "Hand in hand ..." will be the name that will receive these concerts, in which each week will feel differently Biennale in South Polygon.

Puerto de Sevilla.

The twentieth edition of the Biennial will close at the Port of Sevilla, a strategic location, unusual and shocking that allow you to hear flamenco in an unfamiliar context. Responsible for putting the finishing touches will be the artist Dorantes with La roda Wind, the great closing concert for the XX Bienal de Flamenco.


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