
Did you know that there is a stone crying in Sevilla?

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By on 11/05/2018

Yes, Sevilla full of legends and stories has a really puzzles us and intrigue. For there is a curious full of feelings from the day that a terrible event happened Sevilla stone.

During the year 1857 under the reign of Elizabeth II and being Narvaez in government, Spain suffered the First Carlist War. In this situation, a group of youths liberalist Sevilla rose against the tax system and took up arms heading to the mountain towards the town of Ronda (Located in Málaga) with the terrible misfortune that were hit by regiments Albuera and Alcántara. And these, they shot a large number of these young, the other guys in the group were arrested and taken back to Seville.

In sevilla, a commissioner of Narvaez, Don Manuel Lassala and Solera He commanded to kill prisoners. But it was at that time mayor of Seville, García de Vinuesa, He tried to ask for clemency for convicted juveniles. As most were minors. However, when the mayor came to the Plaza de Armas Champ de Mars in Seville, You are seeing the situation knew that all was lost. The mayor was devastated by the situation to the Puerta Real and sat down on a stone to soothe her grief. The man could not hold back tears and began to mourn heartbroken by the death of young people and their failed act of salvation.

cries-stone-en-1 Seville

From that day something inexplicable happened in Sevilla, Mayor tears upon contact with the cold stone began making water flow continuously and inexplicable. That was how the stone was called “Tearful stone”. The stupefied mayor made a commemorative china put on the wall that stood beside the stone can still be seen at the end of the street Alfonso XIII in Seville.


cries-stone-en-2 Seville

You can still be seen on certain days the damp stone recalling that fateful day.

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