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By on 17/03/2020

Concerts, museums, books, Opera online today 17 March without leaving home.

Cultural activity is not stopped by the coronaviru. Now we live more than ever in social networks by hundreds of artists, writers and museums that have decided to share their online art these days of isolation. These are some of the proposals today, Tuesday 17 March, you can do at the same time # quédateencasa.

  • Laura Pausini y Tiziano Ferro: The two Italian stars, already they announced that this weekend will sing together online to encourage their countrymen and they will today at 17:00 hours.
  • Dani Martín: He will direct today at 20:00 hours
  • The festivalStay home The Musical (@quedateencasa_elmusical), that brings the best of scenarios to the homes via Instagram. direct of 30 minutes will stage actors. Today you will Jana Gomez and Jan Forrellat (17.00 h) and Christian Sánchez (18.00 h.)
  • The festivalquarantine Fest, which can be seen through Youtube channel of the participating artists and the website of the festival, cuarentenafest.tumblr.com, Today will feature four performances. At 19.00 h will enter Penelope. At 20.00 h. enter Valdivia, which will continue to 21.00 h. Home. To end, to 22.00 h, Alien Tango.
  • Share Festival also faces its second day. Tuesday will also be Lildami, to 20.00 hours through your account on Instagram ( @lildami).

Did you know ... Legends and curiosities of Sevilla. Haz click

Consultation Agenda Leisure, Culture and Tourism in Sevilla. Billboard cinemas in Sevilla, theater plays, Concerts, exhibitions, etc. inwww.andalunet.com

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